Organic Traffic

One of the most critical KPIs that can determine your organic SEO success is a site's organic traffic. If your organic traffic is steady or slowly increasing, it means you are doing something right consistently. To achieve this, you should optimise your content and website regularly.

Organic Conversion Rate

Your organic conversion rate (CR) measures the total number of visitors who convert to customers or take a specific action, like filling out a form. Tracking your CR can help you see how your website's traffic is performing to achieve your goal.

Keyword Rankings

Keywords are an essential part of your SEO strategy. Tracking your keyword ranking is a helpful way to see whether your SEO tactics and efforts are working. It will also help you know which keywords to concentrate more on and brainstorm your content and website optimisation.

Domain Authority

Your domain authority is the score that evaluates your website's quality and authority level in the search engine results. It is a crucial KPI to track your SEO performance. The higher the score, the better the chances of ranking high in search engines.

Bounce Rate

Your bounce rate is the percentage of users ending their sessions on your site without visiting any other pages. Having a high bounce rate means that your website is not meeting your audience's needs. Your website optimisation and content need improvement to reduce your bounce rate.

Exit Pages

Exit pages track when the user leaves your website after the last scroll, significant interaction, or submission of the form. It helps you identify which pages need to be optimised or rewritten to prevent high exits.

Time On Site

Time on site measures how long people visit and interact with your site. Gathering this KPI data helps you understand your audience's behaviour and how they engage with your website and content.

Page Load Speed

Page speed is a vital SEO ranking factor. It's essential to track and optimise your website for speed. Not only does a faster site improve your search engine rankings, but it also provides a better user experience.

Unique Visitors

Unique visitors track the total number of people who visit your website, counting a single visitor only once during a specific period. This KPI is essential to track your audience and marketing efforts over time.

Page Views

Page views represent the total number of pages people visit on your website. It helps you understand the top pages on your website that receive the most traffic.


Backlinks are an important off-page SEO factor that influences your ranking factor and website authority. You should track your backlinks' growth, monitor the quality of links and ensure they align with your website's content and niche.

Mobile Metrics

The percentage of mobile users on your website continues to rise. Monitoring your mobile metrics will enable you to optimise your website for mobile devices. This KPI includes mobile traffic, user experience, bounce rate, page speed, and more.


Tracking your SEO performance is critical to understanding your audience, identifying opportunities for improvement, and achieving your marketing goals. By monitoring these top 12 SEO KPIs, you'll have a better understanding of how successful your website and content optimisation is and what areas need improvement. As a digital marketing agency in Australia or an SEO service in Australia, utilising these KPIs can significantly improve your SEO performance and bring you success in search engines.

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