Do you want to use a free PDF drawer to add amazing visuals and notes to your monthly reports? The number of options available can be intimidating, but don't worry: our detailed guide will help you find the best PDF drawer  for your Windows computer. We have you covered, whether it's sketching charts, mental maps, or simply scribbling down your thoughts. Let's get started and make your PDF work simple and enjoyable!

Where Can I Find the Best Free PDF Drawer?

Finding the best free PDF drawer isn't as difficult as it may appear, given the proliferation of advanced online tools that don't require downloads or sign-ups. The PDF Drawer online web tool is a great solution for drawing on PDF files, giving a highly functional and user-friendly platform for drawing with a mouse, stylus, or trackpad.

WPS PDF Drawer for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android

The WPS PDF Drawer, a premium item in the WPS Office suite, is a clever technological innovation that changes the way you interact with PDF files. This cross-platform application enables you to easily draw on PDF files to highlight, annotate, or write down your thoughts. This tool ensures a flawless user experience, assisting your business and personal needs whenever and wherever, whether you're on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android.

PDF Drawboard (Windows)

Drawboard google pdf editor is cutting-edge PDF software built exclusively for free PDF sketching and editing. This powerful PDF sketching tool, available only for Windows, allows you to easily add shapes, lines, arrows, and other drawings to your PDF files, much like drawing with a pen on paper.

Adobe (Windows, Mac, and Online)

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF utility for Windows and Mac developed by Adobe Systems, the original inventor of the PDF format. The software is well-known for its extensive capabilities for sketching and annotating PDF files, making it a good alternative for users who want to work on their PDF documents interactively.


Why am I unable to draw in PDF?

If your device is set to utilize a Bluetooth stylus or Apple Pencil in scribbling mode, which prevents finger input from being recognized, you may be unable to draw in a PDF. To remedy the issue, change the settings to allow finger input or use the specified stylus.

In Microsoft Word, can I draw on a PDF?

Yes, you can draw on a pdf to png by opening it in Microsoft Word. Then, under the toolbar, navigate to the 'Draw' option and select a drawing instrument to begin sketching on your page.

How can I draw on a PDF for free in Chrome?

To draw on a PDF with Chrome, open the PDF file and go to the "Annotate" option, which is usually in the upper right corner. Select free annotation choices from the toolbar that appears, such as lines, highlights, and an eraser.


This comprehensive guide investigated the best free PDF drawer tools available, with a variety of features meant to make PDF editing simple and efficient. WPS PDF Drawer stood out as a top-tier application, providing complete capabilities to draw, annotate, and edit PDFs across multiple platforms.

WPS PDF Drawer is an all-in-one productivity suite that works smoothly with WPS Office for productive PDF work on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android devices. Unleash the power of these adaptable tools to improve your PDFs and expedite your productivity. Try WPS Office right away for a powerful and user-friendly experience with PDF documents.