Our skin ages due to a variety of factors. There are some things we can't change, while there are others we can. The aging process is one thing that we cannot stop. It has a crucial role. We all develop observable facial lines over time. Our faces naturally lose some of their youthful fullness as we age. We realize that our skin is getting drier and thinner. These modifications mostly depend on our genes. "Intrinsic aging" is the medical term for this form of aging. Another sort of aging that impacts our skin is one that we can control. Our environment and lifestyle choices can speed up the aging process of our skin. Extrinsic aging is the medical word for this form of aging.

Ways To Stop Early Skin Ageing

It's normal for people to have thinner, drier skin as they get older, as well as more wrinkles and other aging symptoms. Your surroundings and lifestyle choices, however, occasionally contribute to premature aging of the skin. Board-certified dermatologists advise following these easy tips to stop premature skin aging.

Top Techniques to Slow down Early Skin Aging

Our skin ages prematurely due in large part to the sun. Our skin can age more quickly than it would normally by doing other things. Dermatologists provide their patients the following advice to assist them avoid early skin aging. Every day, shield your skin from the sun. Sun protection is necessary whether you're running errands or spending the day at the beach.

Seek out shade, wear sun-protective clothes, such as a light, long-sleeved shirt, slacks, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protective sunglasses, and use sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or greater), and water-resistant to protect your skin. Every day, you should put sunscreen on any exposed skin that isn't covered by clothing. Look for garments with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) marking for more effective protection.

Apply Tanner

Instead of tanning yourself, apply self-tanner. Your skin ages faster each time you acquire a tan. This is accurate whether you tan outdoors, in a tanning bed, or with other indoor tanning tools. All of them give off dangerous UV rays that quicken the aging process of your skin.

Consume Antioxidants

Your cells are shielded from harm by free radicals by antioxidants. Free radicals are unfavorable compounds that speed up the development of a number of chronic illnesses, including cancer and cardiovascular conditions, as well as early aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. The three vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene are the most often found antioxidants. You can stave off aging symptoms by eating foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Eat Fermented Foods

Kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut are examples of fermented foods that are healthy for your gut and contain bacteria. Probiotic organisms are helpful for digestion. According to board-certified dermatologist Craig Kraffert, MD, of Redding, California, "fermented foods have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities." Fermented extracts used in the creation of beauty products may also have an impact. Products with components like fermented ginkgo biloba nut or mushroom extract are advised by Dr. Kraffert.


Steam has long been prized for its capacity to open pores and maybe preserve the suppleness of the epidermis by interacting with the dermis and subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin's surface. Some individuals spend money on "facial steamers,"but even while they may have advantages, utilizing them prevents you from getting the full-body cleansing that a steam room session can offer. In addition to balancing pH levels, heat therapy may also act as a barrier to contaminants that accumulate throughout the day. The pollutants may then be removed via sweat, which naturally occurs in the humid environment of a steam room.

Specific anti-wrinkle treatments actually serve to dry out some areas while promising to reduce bags under the eyes and smooth out wrinkled skin. Your skin might appear younger for a brief period of time.

Dr. Natalie continued, " The bags and creases will soon return. Long after you leave the relaxing vapors of the steam room, steam therapy may help you keep a youthful appearance. Creams and other topicals have the ability to trap contaminants while just having a surface-level impact. Your pores are cleaned out by the steam heat, allowing your skin to "breathe"freely.

Routine Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the keys to having healthy skin, according to Peter Jaret of WebMD.com. The main benefit is that it strengthens your cardiovascular system, which can then pump more blood to your skin and nourish your skin cells. In essence, blood transports nutrients and oxygen to all of your body's working cells, including the cells in your skin. Additionally, your blood aids in removing waste products from your skin so that your liver can neutralize them. Exercise causes your heart to beat more quickly, which in turn delivers nutrition and oxygen to your skin's cells and removes toxins and waste from them. Last words

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been used as a home treatment to speed up the healing of wounds. Research has shown that it is also a potent anti-aging component. Trusted Source examined the results of 58 Japanese ladies with dry skin taking aloe vera as an oral supplement. It was discovered that it increased the participants' levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid and decreased their subjects' average wrinkle depth.

This has been supported by other studies, with a 2021 review by Trusted Source stating that the polyphenols in aloe vera can dramatically reduce wrinkles and increase skin suppleness.

Use an Exfoliator: Either Chemical or Physical

As you become older, your skin takes longer to regenerate. Your skin begins to seem dull and uneven and may even crack because dead skin cells aren't replaced by new ones as quickly. Dead skin cells can be removed from your skin with the use of exfoliants. Physical and chemical exfoliants are the two basic types. Avoid using harsh physical exfoliants like sugar scrubs and cleansers with beads because they increase the likelihood of your skin drooping.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Spend time with loved ones and friends. Strong social networks and meaningful relationships increase longevity and mental and physical well-being. Don't forget your animal companions, since studies have shown that owning a pet can reduce stress and blood pressure, as well as loneliness and improve mood. Recognize your age. There is proof that those who keep a positive outlook on aging live longer and may recover from a disability more effectively. Understanding that aging is a part of life can make all the difference.

Reduce Your Tension

Stress has a wide range of negative impacts on the body, from early aging and wrinkles to an increased chance of heart disease. There are several tried-and-true methods for reducing stress, including: exercising, having enough sleep, and engaging in relaxation practices like yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation.


Castanet J, Ortonne JP. “Pigmentary changes in aged and photoaged skin.” Arch Dermatol. 1997 Oct;133(10):1296-9.

Chung JH, Hanft VN, et al. “Aging and photoaging.” J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Oct;49(4):690-7.