You know that feeling when everyone around you seems to sniff and sneeze, but you feel as healthy as a horse? That's your immune system working overtime to keep you in tip-top shape. But even the strongest immune systems need support, especially during the winter months or times of high stress.

The good news is you can supercharge your immunity with a few simple but powerful drinks. We're not talking about over-the-counter supplements here but natural drinks you can easily make at home with ingredients you probably already have. Whether you want to ward off that cold going around the office or give your body an immunity boost, these six power drinks will have you feeling like a superhero in no time. Drink up and stay healthy!

Turmeric Golden Milk: The Anti-Inflammatory Elixir

Whip up a batch of turmeric golden milk to boost your immune system. This anti-inflammatory elixir has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.

To make turmeric golden milk:

  1. Heat 1 cup of coconut milk or other non-dairy milk of your choice and 1/2 tsp of ground turmeric over medium heat.
  2. Whisk in 1/4 tsp each of ground ginger and cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper, and a little honey to taste as it warms.
  3. Simmer for 3 to 5 minutes until fragrant.
  4. You can also add a splash of vanilla extract for extra flavor.

The key is turmeric - it contains curcumin, a compound with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Paired with ginger and black pepper, this drink can help reduce inflammation in the body, boost immunity, and may even improve brain function.

Drink a cup of this golden milk 2-3 times weekly to strengthen your defenses. Your immune system will surely thank you for the support. And if you do feel under the weather, sip on this elixir - its soothing warmth and spice may be just what the doctor ordered!

Beetroot Juice: A Nutrient Powerhouse for Your Immunity

Beetroot juice is a nutritional powerhouse for your immunity. This ruby-red elixir contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that boost your body's natural defenses.

To make beetroot juice, blend one beetroot, apple, and lemon. The apple sweetens it up, and the lemon adds a tangy kick. Drink one glass a day to reap the benefits.

The antioxidants in beetroot, like betalains, help neutralize free radicals that can damage your cells. Vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps support the immune system. Folic acid, vitamin B9, is essential for cell growth and metabolism.

Minerals like potassium, manganese, and copper work to keep your blood pressure in check and support nerve and bone health. Healthy blood pressure and strong bones and nerves are key to a well-functioning body that can fight infection.

The nitrates in beetroot help widen and relax your blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout your body. Better circulation means your white blood cells and antibodies can move through your system faster to detect and eliminate foreign invaders.

Drinking beetroot juice is an easy way to strengthen your body's defenses from the inside out. With its robust nutrition and vasodilating power, beetroot juice deserves a permanent place in your daily diet. Bottoms up to better health!


Coffee is a powerhouse drink that provides antioxidants and can boost your immunity. Caffeine, the stimulant found in coffee, may help support your immune system in several ways:

Provides Antioxidants

Coffee is the top source of antioxidants in the Western diet. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells. By reducing free radicals, antioxidants help lower inflammation and support immune function.

May Reduce Inflammation

Caffeine has anti-inflammatory effects and may help lower inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Chronic inflammation is linked to weakened immunity, so coffee's ability to reduce inflammation could strengthen your body's defenses.

Could Improve Gut Health

Coffee may increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome and reduce harmful bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for a strong immune system. Coffee's prebiotic compounds, like chlorogenic acid, fuel the good bacteria in your gut.

Provides Other Nutrients

Coffee also contains B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals that play important roles in immune health and metabolism. While coffee alone won't provide all the nutrients you need, it can be part of a balanced diet that supports your immunity.

So go ahead and enjoy your morning coffee guilt-free. When consumed in moderation, coffee may significantly benefit your immune health and overall wellness. Just drink coffee black or with only a little milk and sugar since extra add-ins could counteract some health-promoting effects.

Matcha Green Tea: Rich in Antioxidants and Immune-Boosting Compounds

This traditional Japanese powdered green tea is packed with antioxidants and compounds that can help boost your immunity.

  • Matcha contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and may help prevent cell damage. EGCG can help boost your body's defenses against harmful viruses and bacteria.
  • Matcha is also high in the amino acid L-theanine, which can help boost the production of T cells to support your immune system. T cells help fight off infections and keep your immunity strong.
  • The powdered form of matcha green tea contains the entire green tea leaf, so you get 100% of the nutrients. One cup of matcha can provide up to 5 times as many antioxidants as regular green tea.
  • To make a cup of immune-boosting matcha green tea, whisk about 1 teaspoon of matcha powder into a cup of hot water. Add matcha powder to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, or lattes.

Drinking one cup of matcha green tea a few times a week can help supercharge your immune system and overall health. The combination of antioxidants and compounds in matcha naturally boosts your body's defenses so you can fight off infections and stay healthy.

Bone Broth: Healing, Mineral-Rich Immunity Booster

Bone broth is a delicious and nutritious drink that boosts your immune system. Simmering bones in water releases collagen, amino acids, and minerals that are anti-inflammatory and gut-healing.

Rich in Minerals and Collagen

Bone broth contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains collagen, the protein found in bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen helps strengthen your gut lining and reduces inflammation in the body. Consuming collagen-rich bone broth can help improve joint mobility and skin health.

Benefits for Digestion and Gut Health

The bone broth's collagen, amino acids, and gelatin help heal the gut lining and improve digestion. The gelatin in bone broth helps seal up holes or leaks in the gut lining, reducing inflammation and improving nutrient absorption. Bone broth also contains glutamine, an amino acid important for gut health and the health of the gut lining.

Elderberry Syrup: A Tangy, Vitamin C-Packed Syrup for Colds and Flu

This syrup is a popular herbal remedy for boosting immunity and fighting infections. The berries and flowers of the elder plant are high in compounds called anthocyanins, which give elderberries an antioxidant boost and may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Elderberry syrup is easy to make at home and contains the following:

  • Elderberries: High in vitamins A, B, and C, which support the immune system.
  • Honey: A natural sweetener with antibacterial properties.
  • Warm water: Helps release the berries' immune-boosting compounds.

To make elderberry syrup:

  1. Combine 1 cup elderberries, 4 cups water, and 1/2 cup honey in a pot.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 45 minutes until the liquid reduces by half.
  3. Strain out the berries, squeezing them to extract all the juice.
  4. Bottle and refrigerate for up to 3 months.

Take 1 tablespoon of elderberry syrup up to 4 times a day to boost your immunity and ease cold and flu symptoms like:

  • Congestion: Elderberry acts as an expectorant, thinning mucus secretions.
  • Inflammation: Anthocyanins in elderberries have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Fever: Elderberry may help lower fever due to its ability to reduce inflammation.

Elderberry syrup is safe for most adults but check with your doctor first, especially if you're on any medications. For children, adjust dosage based on age. Elderberry syrup is a great natural remedy to have on hand for cold and flu season.

Ginger and Apple Cider Vinegar: A Dynamic Duo for Immunity

A Dynamic Duo

Ginger and apple cider vinegar (ACV) pack an immunity-boosting one-two punch. Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while ACV contains probiotics to support gut health and immunity.

Together, ginger and ACV make a powerhouse drink to strengthen your defenses. Simmer fresh ginger root in water to make ginger tea, then add a splash of ACV and a bit of honey to taste. The ginger will warm you from the inside out, while the ACV gives it a tangy kick. Drink a cup of this dynamic duo 2-3 times weekly to supercharge your immune system.

The benefits of this power drink are twofold:

  • Ginger reduces inflammation in the body, which can weaken immunity. It also thins mucus secretions, making it easier to cough up.
  • ACV introduces good bacteria to your gut microbiome, responsible for 70-80% of your immune function. Healthy gut flora leads to a strong immune response.

You can also take ginger and ACV supplements in capsule or tincture form for extra immune support. However, fresh ginger tea with ACV is a simple, all-natural approach with no additives. Harness the power of these two ingredients to naturally boost your body's defenses and stay healthy all season long.

Kombucha: Probiotic and Prebiotic Goodness for Your Gut

A Probiotic Powerhouse

Kombucha is a fermented tea that contains beneficial probiotics and prebiotics that can help boost your gut health and support your immune system. Fermentation creates good bacteria called probiotics and prebiotics like acetic acid, which act as food for the good bacteria.

  • Probiotics help maintain the natural balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for proper immune function.
  • Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut, helping the probiotics to thrive and multiply.
  • Kombucha also contains organic acids like gluconic acid and glucuronic acid, which can help support detoxification and the health of your liver, one of the main organs responsible for immune function.

Easy to Make at Home

Kombucha is simple and inexpensive to make at home. All you need is the following:

  1. Brewed tea (black, green, or oolong)
  2. Sugar
  3. A SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast)
  4. A jar
  5. Some starter liquid from a previous batch

Let the sweet tea ferment with the SCOBY for 7-14 days, then bottle and refrigerate. Homemade kombucha will last for several months when refrigerated. You can also flavor your kombucha with fruit juice, herbs, or spices for extra variety and nutrition.

Drink 4-8 ounces of kombucha 1-2 times daily to get an immune-boosting dose of probiotics and support a healthy gut. Kombucha is a delicious, fizzy alternative to sugary sodas and fruit juices. Your gut and your immune system will thank you!


So there you have delicious drinks that can boost your immune system. Whether you prefer the tartness of lemon water, turmeric milk's earthy flavor, or elderberry syrup's sweetness, you now have plenty of options. Drink up and stay healthy! These power drinks are easy to make, all-natural, and packed with nutrients to strengthen your body's defenses.

Why not try a new recipe each day of the week?

Your immune system will thank you, and you might discover a new favorite drink to enjoy even after the cold and flu season has passed.