Keeping a clean body is essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind as well as stopping the spread and contract of diseases like the current covid 19, Ebola, diarrhea, tooth decay, flu, colds among others. observing personal hygiene is must for everyone as it not only affects our physical beings but also has a huge effect on our social and psychological beings. This article will explore some best practices for maintaining a good personal hygiene including 5 things we use to keep your body clean


5 Personal hygiene care tools for maintain a healthy and clean body 

  • Tooth brush and fluoride toothpaste 
  • Soaps or body wash 
  • Nail clippers 
  • Feminine hygiene products 
  • Foot scrubs 


Some best practices for maintaining a good personal hygiene 

Practicing personal hygiene is an everyday thing, although it can be a bit challenging yet, it is beneficial.

Here are 10 things to keep your body clean

Observing oral hygiene:

oral health is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It prevents halitosis, tooth decays, accumulation of plaques and tartar and promotes optimal health. Brushing at least twice daily with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, using mouthwashes as often as you can, and flossing a day can freshens your breath, kills bacteria, remove stains from teeth and gives you that amazing smile all day. 

Bathing regularly:

not only does regularly bathing helps you stay fresh and clean, it helps remove sweat, bacteria and dead cells on your skin. This helps prevent and control body odors and reduce the risk of skin infections. Use a mild soap or body wash and water to bath, moisturize your skin with healthy creams and oils to keep it soft, smooth, shining and healthy. Ladies especially those in their menstrual cycle must also use feminine hygiene products and take their baths regularly. 

Washing hair and scalp:

keeping hair clean and healthy is another best practice in observing personal hygiene. It helps reduce itchiness, dandruffs, breakages, frizziness, decolorization etc. as an important aspect of personal hygiene, keeping your hair clean is a sign of good health and the hair grows faster, becomes stronger, softer and shinier. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner good for your hair type, brush or comb regularly, moisturize and apply good hair creams, use hair ties or clips to keep it neat and tidy. You can also tie it back or wrap it up when engaging in activities like cooking, exercising, cleaning etc. to prevent it from getting dirty. 

Trim hair and nails:

another aspect of personal hygiene includes regular cleaning and trimming of finger and toe nails. This removes dirt and germs accumulated under nails and keep you healthy. Clean and sterilize nail grooming tools such as files, clippers, cuticle trimmers or pushers, tweezers etc., before using them to trim and clean nails, avoid chewing and biting your nails or cutting your cuticles. Also, it is necessary to control hair growth at pubic areas by regularly grooming such places to prevent infections and irritations. 

Regular handwashing:

this a primary aspect of personal hygiene. Washing hands regularly with soap and water helps keep it clean and avoid the spread and contracting of diseases. Handwashing is the first thing to do after returning home, before and after eating cooking and, after visiting the toilet, after handling dirty or unclean stuffs, after blowing your nose, coughing or handling animals. Wash your hands thoroughly and if possible under running water, when it is not possible or convenient to hands, you can use a hand sanitizer.  

Wear clean and tidy clothes:

most people tend to think personal hygiene ends in bathing regularly and observing good oral health, however, wearing clean cloths is also part of the process. Wash and iron clothes before wearing them especially under clothes and you should not wear or repeat the same cloth without washing them and also avoid wearing wrinkled and crumbled clothes without pressing them with irons.  

Practice a good feet hygiene:

treating our feet poorly can result in athletes’ foot, ingrown toenails, blisters, smelly feet or foot odors, nail fungus etc. regularly wash feet and clean between your toes, trim and clean nails regularly, avoid walking barefooted, wear appropriate footwears, change socks regularly to keep your feet clean and healthy.  

Use feminine hygiene products:

females in particular require extra care and cleaning especially during their menstrual period. it is prudent for ladies in their period to frequently use and change their pads and tampons to ensure they stay fresh and clean at all times. Also using intimate gel washes, wet wipes, hair trimmers etc., can promote a clean and fresh body. 

Using moisturizers:

these are skincare products designed to hydrate and nourish the skin and hair. There are many forms of moisturizers, including creams, lotions, gels, and ointments, and they are applied directly on skin or hair. A moisturizer locks moisture in the skin and hair to prevent it from drying out and becoming dry, flaky, or cracked. 

Use clean towel and beddings:

another thing to help keep your body clean is to use clean towels and beddings. Regularly change and wash your towels and wash clothes and avoid sharing them share towels,  air them after use, avoid sleeping in worn clothes. Also wash your beddings regularly and also use a mattress protector. 



In summary, maintaining a healthy personal hygiene routine and using the right products and practices is crucial to maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of germs and bacteria.