It is essential to maintain a healthy, lush lawn in your yard. A backyard is more than a place where you grill; it's a place where you play with your kids and where family memories are made. The presence of unsightly spots or uneven growth can put an end to a celebration or a relaxing afternoon outside. When you use the right products and follow the right tips, most lawn care Redlands problems can be easily identified and fixed.

Keeping grass healthy and attractive is a challenge for most lawns. Here are some common lawn problems you need to know about: 

Crabgrass (Annual)

Everybody hates crabgrass, a grassy weed with an annual life cycle. The grass can grow anywhere and over time will supplant other grasses. Lawns that are compacted and clay soils are ideal for crabgrass. Make sure your soil is aerated. If you fertilize with too much nitrogen, crabgrass will grow. Do not use lawn fertilizers labeled "quick green-up." Go for a slow-release fertilizer that contains half of its nitrogen.

Dandelion (Perennial)

The flowers on many weeds are quite beautiful, and bees love them. This species of flowering weed is most commonly known as the dandelion. You will have to decide if you choose to grow grasses. It is important to make a decision if you plan to grow grasses.  The latter is a true survivalist and perennial, returning and spreading year after year. Grass will not be able to compete with it if it is not healthy.

Ensure the plant is removed completely, roots and all. A dandelion's life cycle lasts two years. Therefore, you should dig out the basal foliage as soon as they appear in the first year. 

Yellow Nutsedge

Due to its irregular shape, a "sedge" is one of the trickier weeds. The stem of the "sedge" is triangular, which can be felt when you rub its base between your fingers. Its stems are more erect, and its green-yellow color is brighter and shinier than lawn grass. You will notice sedge outgrowing your turf when it grows faster than other lawn grasses. There are a lot of underground tubers on yellow nutsedge, but the seeds are golden.

When the sedge is young in the spring, it is best to pull it out. When it comes to broadleaf weeds, do not wait until fall to control them.

Compacted Soil and Improper Aeration

A lot of clay and compacted soil encourage weed growth. Every other year, rent an aerator and run it over the grass to provide the grassroots with air and water circulation. To reduce compaction, the process of Aerification involves removing small columns of soil. To make more holes per square foot, you want a Lawn Care Redlands Aerifier with tines that penetrate 2 to 3 inches into the soil. Also, you want an Aerifier with reciprocating arms. 

A “plug” machine extracts chunks of soil from your lawn and re-disperses them on it to improve lawn health and prevent fungal diseases.


The roots of plants are damaged when moles leave ridges on the lawn. Mole diets include grubs, but eliminating them does not necessarily eliminate moles.

Habitat modification is not an effective solution to mole problems. In order to get rid of moles in the lawn humanely and effectively, traps are the only effective solution. It is still possible for other moles to enter your yard even then. It is also possible to use baits to discourage mole runs, but you should avoid this option. You can also place ultrasonic devices near the runs or use noisemakers like spinning daisies.

Thatch and Brown Patches

Brown patches on a lawn indicate a pH imbalance due to the accumulation of dead and decaying vegetation thatch. Walking across the lawn may give you a "spongy" feeling. Compared to lawns receiving less care, lawns receiving a lot of maintenance are more likely to have thatch. 

Lawns treated with chemicals prior to thatch formation have lost the grass's natural ability to decay. In contrast, wet thatch invites fungal diseases due to its ability to repel water.

 White Grubs and Insects

White grubs, which are the immature stages of Japanese beetles and chafer beetles, might be the cause of your lawn turning brown in early fall.

There are a number of nonpoisonous  Lawn Care Redlands methods for controlling grubs that can cause lawns to turn yellow and die. Taking up dead grass and looking for grubs will prove very easy.