You have definitely realized that the prices for robot vacuum cleaners as well as for many other goods, start from a reasonable $100-150 for the simplest models to an unreasonable $1500-2000.

Such a price difference should be for some additional functionality; making the robotic vacuum cleaner from gold is unnecessary. Each house owner wants to find the best solution, not overpriced. So, the purpose of this article is to compare the budget and premium robotic cleaners and to find out if you need to spend more.

For the example of the most popular models, we will compare functions determined by the vacuum cleaner's price. We should admit that you can find cheap models less than $100 made in China, but these cleaners are not considered, only reliable and trusted manufacturers.

Comparison of the main parameters of budget and premium robot vacuum cleaners

Robotic cleaners will be compared based on their main technical parameters: dimensions, cleaning orientation, suction power, battery life, brushes, navigation and mapping, and smart features. Two typical models were chosen for comparison: premium DEEBOT X1 OMNI (without discounts, the price is $1500) and budget ILIFE V3s Pro (without discounts, the price is $150). According to the advertising, Deebot has 15 functions in one cleaner body. Meanwhile, V3s Pro does not promise any specific function, only standard vacuuming of hard floors and low carpets. On comparison sites like Robotbox, you can check more detailed descriptions of these models or choose another budget/premium pair.


From all dimensions of robotic cleaners, their height is the most essential. Low-profile robots can go under furniture and clean areas you can't reach. Our budget example has a height of 2.98 inches, while the premium model has 4.1 inches. So, premium models do not have better dimensions, and more functions may lead to an increase in height. However, the form and diameter do not significantly impact the cleaning results. 

Cleaning orientation

Mainly, all budget models are split between vacuum and mop functions. This ILIFE vacuum cleaner can only perform dry cleaning as well. Deebot X1, in contrast, can mop using two spinning mops on the bottom. Premium cleaners combine mop and vacuum functions making cleaning a multi-staged process. They first sweep to pick up all dirt and debris from the floor, then suck it in a dust bag using rolling brushes, and finally wash the floor with rotated mop pads. All combo cleaners have carpet sensors to prevent the carpet from mopping and boost the suction power. As you see, combo robots cost more money, which is one reason you pay more.

Suction power

Deebot X1 OMNI has exceptionally high suction power – 5000 Pa, while ILIFE V3 has low power – 1000 Pa. High suction power ensures the perfect result even after fast cleaning. If we compare the cleaning performance of these robots, Deebot X1 collects 100% of sugar, while ILIFE only 93% on the hard floor; on the carpet, the performance of ILIFE is significantly lower when Deebot gives the same result. If you want to clean faster and better, choose vacuum robot cleaners with high-value suction power.

Battery life

Even though most robots are smart enough to go to the charging station if the battery is low, not all can resume from the left place and continue cleaning. Also, the charging process takes at least 2-3 hours. That is why it is better when the battery is enough to clean the whole house simultaneously. The budget robots have low-capacity batteries -2600 mAh, while the premium ones have 5200 mAh. So, premium robots can work 140-260 minutes and budget only 90-100 min without recharging. So, premium robots are suitable for large houses.

Navigation and mapping

This parameter is where the most difference in price lies. Budget robot vacuums have random navigation without LiDAR or SLAM; their random navigation is random and based on sensors to avoid stairs and obstacles. You can't expect from them carpet or dirt booster and map creation. Contrarily, premium navigation uses AI technologies with cameras or lasers to detect even the most minor obstacles such as cables or dog pups (up to 2 inches in height). Such precise navigation with precise laser map creation leads to effective cleaning using the shortest routes. Moreover, fewer are required for cleaning; less battery is required for one run.

Additionally, premium robots learn your habits and clean with particular attention the dirtiest spots (such as hallways and kitchen) while you are out. You can also set them up with no-go zones, no-mop zones, or clean-only unique rooms. With their numerous sensors, they know how and when to clean your house.


Some budget cleaners may have only one side brush; some may have two side brushes and one main brush. ILIFE V3s PRO has only two standard anti-tangling side brushes, while DEEBOT X1 has an additional, floating round brush with an anti-tangling sensor and two mopping pads. Premium brushes are more effective in cleaning, have more bristles, and can be used longer. 

Smart features

We can call only for budget cleaners a remote control from smart features. The premium has at least smartphone apps and voice controls in addition. DEEBOT X1 also has a 15-in-1 OMNI station that empties dustbins, cleans and dries mopping pads, collects wastewater, and refills clean water tanks. 


As you see, there are many differences between budget and premium cleaners. Unfortunately, premium cleaners have many advanced features and are more functional. Budget robot vacuum cleaners can be recommended for the everyday cleaning of small apartments or one-floor houses. At the same time, you may need a premium for intense cleaning; they can remember up to 3 floors and clean them efficiently. Premium cleaners are not overpriced; you pay for their AI navigation and fully autonomous work.