When you stroll down the streets of Burnaby, British Columbia, you might notice something that has become an integral part of the cityscape during construction projects - construction hoarding. These temporary structures serve a multitude of purposes, ranging from enhancing safety to adding aesthetic appeal and providing a branding opportunity for businesses.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the world of construction hoarding in Burnaby. We will explore its significance, different types, the materials used, and the numerous benefits it offers to both the construction industry and the community.

The Significance of Construction Hoarding

  • Safety First

One of the primary purposes of construction hoarding is to ensure safety. When construction activities are underway, there are numerous hazards that can pose risks to both workers and pedestrians. Construction hoarding acts as a protective barrier, keeping people at a safe distance from the construction site.

  • Dust and Debris Control

Construction sites can be messy, with dust and debris flying around. Hoarding helps contain these particles within the construction area, preventing them from spreading to adjacent properties or affecting the environment.

  • Privacy and Security

Hoarding provides a level of privacy and security to construction sites. It conceals the work in progress, discouraging unauthorized access and potential theft or vandalism.

  • Aesthetic Enhancement

Construction hoarding isn't just about function; it also adds to the visual appeal of the area. It can be adorned with artwork, informational graphics, or designs that blend with the surroundings, making the construction site more pleasing to the eye.

Types of Construction Hoarding

In Burnaby, construction hoarding comes in various types, each designed to cater to specific needs and situations. Here are some common types:

  • Wooden Hoarding

Wooden hoarding is a traditional and cost-effective option. It's easy to install and provides a solid barrier. However, it may not offer the same level of durability as some other materials.

  • Metal Hoarding

Metal hoarding is known for its sturdiness and durability. It can withstand harsh weather conditions and is often used for long-term construction projects.

  • Vinyl Hoarding

Vinyl hoarding is a versatile choice. It can be customized with vibrant graphics and is weather-resistant. This type of hoarding is often chosen for its aesthetic appeal.

  • Mesh Hoarding

Mesh hoarding is a lightweight option that allows some visibility into the construction site. It's ideal for projects where a degree of transparency is required.

Materials Used in Construction Hoarding

The choice of materials for construction hoarding in Burnaby depends on factors such as project duration, budget, and desired aesthetics. Here are the materials commonly used:

  • Plywood

Plywood is a popular choice for wooden hoarding. It provides a sturdy surface for artwork or branding.

  • Corrugated Metal

Corrugated metal is commonly used in metal hoarding due to its strength and resistance to rust.

  • PVC Vinyl

PVC vinyl is a versatile material for hoarding. It is easy to clean and can withstand various weather conditions.

  • Mesh Fabric

Mesh fabric is used in mesh hoarding, offering partial visibility while still maintaining safety.

Benefits of Construction Hoarding

  • Branding Opportunity

Construction hoarding isn't just about safety and containment; it's also a valuable branding opportunity. Businesses often use hoarding to showcase their logo, colors, and messages. It's a way to maintain visibility during construction and attract potential customers.

  • Community Engagement

Artistic and informative hoarding can engage the local community. Construction sites become more than just an eyesore; they can be transformed into temporary public art installations or sources of information about the project and its benefits.

  • Compliance with Regulations

In Burnaby and many other municipalities, construction hoarding is often subject to regulations. Using compliant hoarding ensures that a project meets the necessary legal requirements, avoiding potential fines or delays.

  • Environmental Responsibility

Modern construction hoarding can be designed with sustainability in mind. Materials can be chosen for their eco-friendliness, and hoarding can be reused for multiple projects, reducing waste.

  • Cost-Effective Advertising

For businesses, construction hoarding is an affordable form of advertising. It provides continuous exposure to potential customers in high-traffic areas, often at a fraction of the cost of other advertising methods.


Construction hoarding in Burnaby serves as much more than just a barricade around construction sites. It plays a crucial role in enhancing safety, controlling dust and debris, providing security, and adding aesthetic value to the cityscape. Moreover, it serves as a valuable branding opportunity and engages the local community.

As construction continues to shape the Burnaby skyline, the importance of well-designed and thoughtfully executed construction hoarding cannot be overstated. It's a practical necessity that also contributes to the city's identity and growth. Next time you pass by a construction site in Burnaby, take a moment to appreciate the hoarding surrounding it. It's more than just a temporary structure; it's a reflection of the city's commitment to safety, aesthetics, and community engagement.