Faulty plumbing at home is a big inconvenience to deal with. We understand your feeling to look out for a fix right away. DIY Plumbing claims to fix minor problems easily. But is it safe to get your hands dirty and fix yourself?

Well, that one mind-boggling question can be answered. 

You'll learn about the Do's and Don'ts of DIY Plumbing in this blog, and decide if you want to seek Stanton Plumber's professional help or do it yourself.

Do's of plumbing: Top 7 Considerations

Here are a few things you must do as a DIY Plumber when you are working on a plumbing project. 

Turn off the shutoff valve. 

Before you start, you must turn the water supply off without fail. That's the most basic thing to begin with, and you must take care of turning off the shutoff valve.

Whether you are operating on the clog caused by the sink or toilet, it is essential to stop the water from flowing in the area where you're working. 

Wear an eye protection mask. 

The safety of your eyes is of utmost concern. Before you start with the work, wear protective eye gear, whether you are using a saw or a hammer. An infection from the muck of the drain water can get severe in no time.

Whether it's a big or a small fix, wearing eye protection gear is a must to avoid the consequences of damage to your eyes.

Avoid using any chemical clog remover.

The use of chemicals for removing clogs can cause damage to the plumbing system. It can corrode the pipe, which further can cause leaks or other trouble that you may have a hard time fixing. 

Instead of using a harsh chemical clog remover, you can choose a plumbing snake. Harsh chemicals also harm the environment when they accumulate somewhere. 

Read the labels correctly. 

Knowing what you are using is quite important. It's not just about knowing whether you are using the right equipment but also about knowing how to use it correctly. You need to know how the tool is operated along with the warnings mentioned in it. 

Test out the leaks.

The matter is not just to fix the part where it caused the trouble. Once the repair is done, you must ensure there aren't any leaks in the system. 

If there is any, it may cause problems in the future that demand a costlier repair. For instance, an accidental leak caused after a DIY plumbing job can wreak havoc. So after you deem the job is done, check for leaks, if any. 

Protect your hands with gloves.

Hands are usually exposed to the materials and chemicals in the plumbing system. The harm of it is to feel the itchiness or the burn when in contact with it.

Hence, you need to protect your hands with appropriate gloves material before you operate on it. If you are a DIY Plumber, then a pair of basic gloves is doable to begin with. 

Remember, you don't want to undergo skin care-related uses; that's why a glove is a must. 

Know when to call a professional plumber!

Even if you think that you have done a good job, sometimes, when you can't resolve it, it's good to hand it over to a professional Stanton Plumber. You can always seek a professional rather than trying to resolve a complicated issue all by yourself. Professional plumbers are extensively trained and have the expertise and experience to offer solutions for every situation. 

Don'ts of DIY Plumbing That You Must Know 

Here are a few of the things that you must not do as a DIY Plumber.

Not Getting Complete Knowledge

Not having complete knowledge about the plumbing system you want to repair can lead to bigger issues. For example, if you do not get the steps right about opening and tightening screws and valves and components of a water heater, a wrong step can create a leak or huge damage. 

If you suspect that you got something wrong, it's better to get it fixed right then than later, as you can say no to costly repairs in the future. 

Ignoring the plumbing codes 

The plumbing codes are written to operate safely. Most of the DIY plumbers just ignore it, being careless. It is essential to follow the guidelines mentioned in it for your safety as well as your family. 

Cutting the pipelines blindly 

It's more common to assume than to learn things. Before you hop onto blindly drilling a section, understanding what's behind it is logical. 

There might be electrical wiring or pipes or anything for that matter. Cutting out any of the materials behind the section can cause damage to it. In turn, this leads to messy work and additional repairs. 

Not keeping up with regular maintenance

You don't have to wait until things get worse; rather, fix it earlier. Doing a regular check keeps everything in place. It's not just about checking for leaks or stoppages but also mold growth in the pipes, water stains, etc. 

Smelly gas ignorance

If you address this while repairing, you need to stop doing any repair work. Gas is hazardous to be dealt with; you may have to call the provider and immediately turn off the gas mains.

There's no way you can inhale the gas. Also, sometimes it can catch fire. Hence, don't try to resolve these issues yourself. 

Thinking of fixing bigger issues

Sometimes, it's not about saving money but about the safety of an individual. Some kinds of errors can cost you a lot in terms of bodily harm or damage to the property.

Professionals are trained to handle bigger faults. They have a truckload of resources to fix anything without there being a crisis. Do not hesitate to call a professional Stanton plumber if you suspect bigger trouble.

Where Does DIY Plumbing Leave You? 

The very thought of saving money is where DIY comes into the picture. It surely can help you fix the problem as long as you are patient enough to follow the guidelines. But if you can't, it can lead to further damage that requires you to get a costly fix. At the same time, there are risk factors involved.

If you don't find DIY Plumbing as your cup of tea to be risked at, leave it to the professionals. They can handle the plumbing work, be it small or big, with the right solutions. 

Want some help from a professional plumber? Call Cali's Choice Stanton Plumber and you are guaranteed the right fix!

Author Bio:-

Name - Jacqueline Lewis

Jacqueline is a content marketing manager who formerly worked at Cali's Choice Plumbing & Restoration. She is a writer, editor, and content strategist for plumbing services. Making her knowledge and skills a power, she amplifies the readers' knowledge about the ways of water leak and slab leak detection and their reciprocation.

Through her articles, she shares the most successful tactics and strategies of slab leak repair, mitigating blockages through Hydro Jetting, and AC & heater installation tips to the audience.

Source : Do's And Don't of Plumbing
