This is the post that will tell you about the must have documents while seeking online admission in Noida school. Read more to find out. 

What are the documents to be submitted for online admission in Noida school?

One of the important things that is to be submitted for online admission in any school is the birth certificate. This certificate is known to highlight the date of birth of the child. This will even contain the full name that the child will be recognised from. You will be able to find this particular certificate being issued from a competent authority. This is under the general registration of the newly born child with the government in the form of a document so as to highlight his or her birth. 

Another document that you would have to upload in order to successfully seek online admission in Noida school is the Aadhaar card of both the parents. The copies of the aadhar card or PAN card would be necessary for the guardians in order to substantiate that they are the permanent residents of a particular area. 

You will even be asked to attach the location where you are staying. The proof of residence can be in the form of electricity bills under your name or the certificate of tenancy. 

Passport size photographs of the parents and the children are a must to be attached on the online admission form. Your face should be clearly visible in these photographs so that the school is able to identify you. 

Essential documents that can depict some of the class that you belong to would be also required in case of special categorization and its benefits to be availed. You would be required to prove that you fall under a religious minority section. There are multiple documents that can depict the need of reduced fees for your particular class or category. You would be required to upload all these documents in order to successfully avail the benefits while seeking an online admission in Noida school. 


The above post was about the list of documents that will be necessary for you to have in hand while seeking an online admission in Noida school. You should make sure that all these documents are present in your devices in a soft copy. You will be easily able to fasten the process of admission after getting these items uploaded.