A speeding ticket can lead to increased insurance rates, points on your license, and even a suspended license if you already have multiple infractions. While you may be tempted to just pay the ticket and be done with it, working with an experienced speeding ticket attorney can often get your ticket reduced or even dismissed. Keep reading to learn why you should fight your speeding ticket and how a knowledgeable traffic lawyer can help.

Why You Should Fight Your Speeding Ticket:

Simply paying your speeding ticket may seem like the easiest option, but it can lead to long-term consequences on your driving record and insurance rates. Points on your license and a history of speeding infractions will classify you as a high-risk driver to insurance companies. This can increase your rates significantly, costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars extra per year. 

An aggressive speeding ticket lawyer knows how to identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case and get charges reduced or dismissed without points on your record. This keeps insurance rates low and protects your driving privileges. There are often errors in speed radar detections, procedures not properly followed, or ways to plead the ticket down to a non-moving violation. Experienced lawyers know how to navigate the system to get the best results.

How a Speeding Ticket Attorney Can Help:

The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have over 20 years of experience successfully representing clients facing traffic citations like speeding tickets, DUI, reckless driving, license suspensions, and more. Attorney Jonathan Marshall is an expert traffic lawyer who leverages his courtroom skills and deep knowledge of traffic laws to build strong defense cases.

Some of the Ways Our Firm Fights Speeding Tickets for Clients Include:

- Thoroughly examining evidence and procedure to identify violations of due process rights or faulty speed detection practices

- Negotiating with the prosecutor to reduce charges in exchange for driving school or community service 

- Presenting mitigating circumstances to minimize fines and avoid license points

- Contesting the ticket in court before a judge and exposing contradictory evidence or technical errors

- Appealing the decision if the initial ruling is unfavorable

Our goal is always total dismissal of the ticket, but even if that is not possible, we leverage our experience to negotiate the best alternate outcome. Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Our speeding ticket attorneys will review your citation and discuss all your defense options. Let us handle the legal complexities - you focus on your work and family while we fight for your driving record.


A speeding ticket doesn't have to negatively impact your driving privileges, insurance rates or lead to expensive points on your record. The traffic lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have a proven track record of achieving positive outcomes for clients facing traffic citations. Call today or visit our website to schedule a free case review. Our experienced speeding ticket attorney is ready to start building your defense.