Labrador retrievers are one of the loving and human-friendly dog breeds. Their beautiful nature and appearance attract many people, and their unique traits enhance their purchases globally. These puppies are generally small, with a short and thick labor coat. Labrador puppies are like toddlers, so raising them well during each development phase requires proper care.

It is always best to start caring for your labrador puppy from the first day. As your puppy is just like a tiny baby, you can see changes as the days pass. Thus, it is imperative to have all the raising initiatives to be the best. 

So, to help you out, in this blog, you will understand essential tips you should think about for raising and caring for your labrador puppy.

Things to Keep in Mind While Raising a Labrador Puppy

There are many points to remember while raising your Labrador puppy. Here are a few of them:

1 Safe surroundings

Labrador puppies are playful, especially during their initial stages of the development cycle. You should never forget to keep sharp and dangerous items out of their reach, as little accidents could be fatal for your pup. 

Follow these tips to make a safer environment for your lab puppy:

Keep poisonous items out of reach

They are intelligent and can easily open toxic chemical bottles. You should keep the poisonous items in a locked cabinet and out of their reach.

Fence your swimming pool

Puppies love to play with water but can easily drown in water if they are not well-trained. So, there should be proper fencing around the swimming area.

Proper disposal of garbages

They love to eat. Sometimes you become careless, and the pup ends up eating wrapper or plastic, leading to serious health issues. So, you should maintain proper waste disposal in your home.

2 Maintaining proper hygiene

You should take proper hygiene always into consideration. Here’s how you can do it:

Regular brushing of the coat

Regular brushing of the coat will make them good-looking and also helps them to shed their dirt and extra hair.

Regular bathing

Little pups love to play in the water. Regular bathing makes them active and fresh. 

Nail Trimming

Regular walking on the ground can cause dirt and filings to get stuck in their nails. So it is best if you monthly trim their nails.  

3 Regular Health checkups 

They need regular visits to the veterinarian for their health checkup. Regular health checkup gives a better insight into the health profile of your pup. Proper examination, including dental care, ear care, injury, routine vaccination, etc., is essential in raising them.  

4 Regular Exercise

Exercising makes them physically and psychologically fit. Lack of exercise eventually leads to obesity, whereas regular exercise reduces the chances of getting ill. A small puppy needs a few minutes of training so that you can play with them on the ground. 

5 Socialization

Socialization is essential for these pups—training them early, like 14 weeks, offers better manageability. Socialization helps to manage their temperament. 

6 Training

Labrador puppy training is an essential point while raising them. It is fun to train your small puppy, and with your guidance, they will gradually start understanding your command. 

7 Nutrition and diet 

Your little friend needs a proper nutrient intake. There should always be a healthy diet. You cannot let them eat anything, so prepare an appropriate diet chart. 


When it comes to a friendly and sociable nature, Labradors are a perfect companion. So before looking for a labrador puppy price, check out these amazing tips, which will ultimately help you raise and care for your fluffy friend. Labrador puppies are sweet, chill, and playful companions, but raising a pet comes with many responsibilities similar to human babies. There is always a need for proper care for Labrador Puppies at each development phase of their lives. 

We covered almost everything that can help you raise your cute pooch friend. Initially, you must maintain patience with them just like your child and be ready to give them quality time. Once they become adults, they will start adjusting to your lifestyle. You can also seek professional guidance from general practitioners.