One of the most challenging and tedious task for a homeowner is to have a bigger picture or layout of their dream house. It is essential to plan your floor designs as per your need, requirement, and preferences. Floor plans consist of a detailed plan and information on room layouts, doorways, entryways, room features and living or working places in your house. Everything designed perfectly leads to a successful floor plan with appropriate drafts of a house blueprint. 

In this article, you will explore the purpose, need and tips to design a residential floor plan. It is best to take the help of a qualified and experienced interior designer or an architect to create a perfect floor plan design for your home using shorthand. 

Purpose of a residential floor plan

A residential floor plan presents multiple benefits for the house owner. They can start their construction project without second thoughts related to the design. 

  • Turn the concepts into a tangible form for quick implementation. It provides clear dimension lines and measurements and works with a planned effort as per the blueprint. 
  • The purpose of a residential floor plan is to make proper adjustments to the designs. You can discover the problems or issues with a particular design, and instant changes can be made easily. 
  • Help save necessary resources and money on construction materials. It allows you to purchase the required materials and cut down the project's total construction cost. 

Residential floor plans support visualising a bigger picture of your home and help in utilising the spaces wisely. 

Tips to draw a residential floor plan design

A floor plan requires deep consequential efforts to get a perfect house design with proper measures, dimensions and elevation. Here are the best tips to follow for drawing a floor plan with residential features. 

  • Select the area

- To draw a floor plan, first select the area to create a distinctive or exclusive design for each floor in a building. 

  • Dimensions

- Figure out the exact dimensions for accurate measurements and make the entire space worthy of additional features. You will have a perfect space for new ideas and a chance to make extensive use of that space. 

  • Start drawing with pencil or through software

- You can draw floor plans with erasable light marks on paper. Nowadays, software plans made the floor plan work easily and quick with more precise drawings and layouts. 

  • Use correct shorthands

- It is best to use the correct mark, abbreviation, symbols and shorthands for accurate floor plan design. The designers and architects use a blueprint to create a structure as per the desired plan. 

  • Add features

- Add the best useful features for couches, bookshelves, and HVAC placements. Identify the space required to adjust phone jacks, wiring, and other furnishings in your room. Ensure that additional fixtures can be added appropriately to your house floor plan. 

  • Windows facing

- It is important to decide on the window facing to allow natural light to enter the room and make the space or hallway more functional. 

  • Elevation

- You can decide the elevation required for your house as per the proper measure of each floor in the building. Well planned and perfectly elevated floor plan is essential for proper construction. 

All the tips mentioned above will help you get the best floor plan based on accurate analysis and measurement with detailed parameters. You can follow the best guidelines to draw the floor plan as per your requirement. Get the appropriate lifesize plan for your real estate and construction projects to be designed as per your choices or selection.