All of us have once wished to hack someone's Whatsapp account. Sometimes to expose them, sometimes to save ourselves. However, we needed something that could land us in that person's inbox, allowing us to read their chats. That could be because that was not the right way to hack someone's account, or it was simply impossible. 

All of these retro thoughts eventually land us on one thing, which is if it's possible to hack Whatsapp and track Whatsapp messages. Let's explore it here! 

Is It Possible To Hack Whatsapp?

While the topic is vague, it does not seem impossible to hack a WhatsApp account. According to a report published in Financial Times, Whatsapp has major security flaws that can lead to online WhatsApp hacking. It contains vulnerabilities that can affect both Apple and Android users. Using these vulnerabilities, hackers can inject spyware into a phone and track all the data on someone's WhatsApp account. 

According to another report, the commercial spyware developed by the Israeli cybersecurity firm NSO group has successfully hacked the WhatsApp accounts of several famous personalities. 

Despite denying all the allegations, this Israeli cybersecurity firm remains in question. Also, this incident brought to light the dangerous world of hacking that exists among the normal public. It's common for government identities to use surveillance tools and exploit kids to fetch information about their revels or defend them against their enemies. But what makes it particularly interesting and disturbing is how hackers can break into phones and make it possible to hack not only Whatsapp but anything. 

Is It Possible To Know If Whatsapp Is Hacked? 

Not that we know that it's possible to hack a WhatsApp account, but is it possible to know if the WhatsApp account is hacked? The answer is tricky to answer. If a user can catch that their WhatsApp account is being hacked depends upon the method the hacker uses to get into their WhatsApp account. Some malware requires an sms sent to the target account to access all its data, while some may require the victim to pick up the call, and some can silently do their work without getting noticed.

 What Can Happen If An Account Is Compromised? 

Online Whatsapp hacking is a dangerous thing. With it, the hacker gains unfettered access to an account means all of the sensitive data of that account, including conversations, pictures, and other files, are accessible. Also, hackers can use the inbox of the software on behalf of the victim and send messages, receive calls, and do all the things a WhatsApp account allows. They will also have access to WhatsApp data in real-time, which means as soon as a message arrives, they can read it without any restrictions imposed.

Common Things to Check If Your Whatsapp Account Is Hacked

While there are not many things that can work unless turning the phone off, there are still some things that can act as a primary aid for online whatsapp hacking victims. Here are some of those!

  • Check if there is any unknown linked device.
  • Increased mobile or Wi-Fi data consumption.
  • Notice any strange activities on the phone. 
  • Unknown messages and group chats.
  • The phone's battery is draining. 
  • Issues logging in to the WhatsApp account. 

Is There A Whatsapp Hacking Tool? That You Can Try! 

Remember what we said at the start of this article we have always wished to hack someone's WhatsApp account but couldn't. But actually, if you wish, you can hack someone's WhatsApp account anonymously. WaHacker can help you with that. It's one of the best online whatsapp hacking tools to try to hack someone's account. The tool can seamlessly copy the target users' account data to a virtual simulator so that you can read or download it. If you've ever wished to hack Whatsapp, consider the Wahacker a tool. 

Wrapping Up!

That's it! This is all about this guide and online WhatsApp hacking. Thank you for reading this guide. Before you go, do consider checking these frequently asked questions that we have listed.

Does anyone track WhatsApp messages? 

Using tools like WaHakcer, anyone can track WhatsApp messages easily. 

Is it safe to jump into someone's WhatsApp account? 

No, it's considered a privacy breach, and it can be punishable in some countries. 

How to save my device from online WhatsApp hacking? 

Not sharing any WhatsApp-related OTP with anyone is the best way to stay secure online.