The side edge of your toenail could grow deep into the skin for many reasons. It mainly happens to the foot's big toe but causes pain and discomfort. The condition occurs when the nail edge does not grow straight. It can dig more into the skin to make it infected, inflamed, and irritating. You can prevent and treat this condition. With ingrown toenail urgent care tips, Let's look at five valuable ideas to deal with this cumbersome ailment.

Five ways to prevent and treat ingrown toenails.

1. Wear better-fitting shoes

This is the common reason for ingrown toenails among teens and adults. People often wear shoes with tight fittings that obstruct the linear growth of nails. Therefore, wearing properly fitting shoes or avoiding them altogether is vital. You can wear some loose and flat shoes to avoid this situation.

2. Proper nail trimming

Only aggressively cut the nails when they are properly grown. It would help if you waited for them to grow properly before cutting. Trimming short nails could make the nail sides fold over them. Thus, the problem can trigger. This is the best-ingrown toenail urgent care near me suggestion you will get from an expert physician for sure.

3. Use Epsom salt

You can soak your feet in warm Epsom salt water to treat this problem at home. You must follow this treatment if you see red skin penetrated by the nail. With this ingrown toenail urgent care remedy, you can reduce pain associated with the condition. Also, it can make the skin soft to use dental floss to remove the nail edge from the skin.

4. Cut the nail partially.

If there is an infection of the skin of the feet, you can consider partial removal of nails. You must seek an ingrown toenail urgent care near me for effective removal. A physician will use the numb lotion on the toe to remove nails with cutting tools. Also, the ointment will be applied to the pin to prevent infection. This treatment may further avoid the inappropriate growth of toenails.

5. Surgical removal of toenail

You may need advanced surgical treatment if the hair has regrown with side fold even after partial removal. This treatment would require completely removing the nail bed to let it grow with tissues. Local anesthesia will be needed to numb the feet properly for this procedure. A trained physician can carry out this task which requires utmost care and precision. The physician will remove the nail and cover the treated site with a bandage at an ingrown toenail urgent care near me. Therefore, you can wait for the nail to regrow again with a straight line. Surgical treatment is needed when the infection is not reduced with oral antibiotics and topicals. 

To sum up

A toenail is a sensitive skin area that may take time to heal correctly. Ingrown toenail urgent care treatment is a viable solution to this abhorrent condition. However, it is better to prevent this problem by wearing nice-fitting shoes. You must also avoid trauma to the toe if you are playing soccer. So, keep in mind these tips to take care of your toenail and pursue the required treatment.