As a specialty, orthodontics is the primary tool for straightening teeth and aligning bites. You need to show an experienced orthodontist if your teeth are: 

• Overlapped

• Crooked

• Gapped

• Underbite

• Overbite 

Another definition, orthodontics is a significant field of dentistry that focuses on understanding and treating the problem of “bad bite” (malocclusion). Braces, clear aligners, and retainers are the most common orthodontics treatment.

By improving the way your upper and lower teeth are correct, you can eliminate the risks of excessive wear (caries), cavities, and gum disease.

Who will Treat Orthodontic Problems? 

Depending on the problems, orthodontists use different types of treatments. After graduating from dental school and undergoing 2-3 years of training, a doctor handles orthodontic cases. The work of the doctors involved in orthodontic treatments is such that they offer treatments to improve your bite. Orthodontic doctors do not focus on general dental treatments such as fillings, crowns, or bridges.

The Most Common Orthodontic Treatments 

An orthodontist will take X-rays and visual analysis of the person's teeth to figure out the problem and recommend corrective measures. If a doctor finds any orthodontic problem, there are several options for treatment:

1. Ceramic Braces Treatment 

Ceramic braces are similar to traditional braces treatment, but ceramic braces are made of transparent material rather than metal, making them less visible than traditional braces. Ceramic braces treatment involves attaching brackets to the person's teeth, just like traditional braces. The brackets have an archwire that is placed over the teeth like a rubber band.

Ceramic braces treatment requires visiting an orthodontist so that the ceramic brace brackets are adequately adjusted. Once the person books a monthly appointment, their orthodontist will move and tension the person's teeth into the correct positions using wires and bands.

As mentioned earlier, ceramic braces work just like traditional braces, but they are more subtle in appearance than traditional braces. These are often a good choice for older children who prefer the look of traditional braces. 

In terms of cost, ceramic braces orthodontic treatment cost is much more expensive than traditional braces treatment. 

2. Traditional Braces Treatment 

The first thought when considering braces treatments is to choose traditional metal braces. In this technique, metal brackets are affixed to the teeth. An archwire bracket is used to move the brace from molar to molar systematically, and the wire is held in place on the teeth with small rubber bands. 

Depending on the severity of orthodontic cases, the length of treatment procedures for traditional braces can also vary. Approximately this treatment session may last for 1-3 years. 

During this treatment period, the patient needs to visit their orthodontist regularly. Typically, a patient will see the orthodontist once a month to get the braces adjusted. The orthodontist will tighten the braces' wires and rubber to provide enough tension to move the teeth into the proper position.

Traditional braces are the fastest treatment because they are made of stainless steel, allowing you to move your teeth quickly and effectively. This process also involves conditioning, which makes the process a little fun. The rubber bands used to adjust the strings come in different colors so that you can choose your favorite color. 

3. Lingual Braces Treatment 

Lingual braces are a lesser-known type of orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist will take impressions of a patient's teeth and send them to the dental laboratory to begin the process of fitting or making lingual braces. 

Various lingual braces are available in the market; consult your nearest orthodontist to choose the right one with the correct orthodontic anchorage technique. 

Because it fits behind the teeth, lingual braces are much less noticeable than traditional braces and are a better option for self-conscious people. These lingual braces are also better than Invisalign, especially for those worried about misplacing the aligners. However, both braces are subtle in appearance, so you will no longer have to worry about losing your lingual braces. 

Due to the position of the braces, the patient may have a tender tongue. Often, people leave the option of lingual braces because it makes it difficult to speak and pronounce; however, this is different. When the patient adjusts to the feeling of braces, then the problem might be eliminated. 

4. Invisalign Treatment 

Like aligners, Invisalign is obviously a removal treatment. The main reason for making aligners is to keep the teeth in place, to move them gently, and to apply pressure to rotate them. You no longer need to worry about brushing, eating, and flossing; with Invisalign, you can do all this quickly.

The orthodontist will use a scanner to create 3D images of your teeth so that Invisalign can be fitted to your teeth. They will create a precise treatment plan for you so you can schedule treatment immediately. Then, based on 3D images of your teeth, they make a set of aligners. Just like previous treatments, Invisalign will require periodic orthodontic appointments. 

Individuals who resist getting braces because of their appearance may opt for Invisalign. Like traditional braces, Invisalign is designed of stainless steel, but they are invisible. 

Meet Dr. Masri to Get More Details 

Masri Orthodontics is ready to share effective treatments with you whether your teeth are crooked, spaced, underbite, twisted, rotated, or overbite. Dr. Masri has the best materials and options available to address his patients' problems, providing fast, comfortable, affordable, and effective treatment.