The process of conversion of a decimal number into its corresponding fraction can be regarded as quite simple and easy. It can be completed quickly with the help of just two steps. This type of questions are frequently seen in the examinations of children belonging to the primary level school. Though these conversions are very easy, the children might still make some simple mistakes while performing it. Thus, the teachers and the adults who are involved in teaching the students these conversions should ensure that they are explaining the entire process to them in detail. In case of every such problem, the teachers should always ensure to break the entire procedure into simple steps. They should then explain each and every step to the children in detail. Here, we will be discussing the steps that are involved in writing 0.3 as a fraction. So, without further delay, let’s get into our discussion of the topic in detail.

1. Removal of the decimal point from the given number

This can be regarded as the first step in the conversion of a decimal number into its corresponding fraction. In order to do this, we have to add zeros after 1 in the denominator. The number of zeros that we have to add is equal to the number of decimal places present in the given number. Now, in this case, the given number, 0.3 has only one decimal place. So, we have to add just one zero after 1 in the denominator. This will give us the fraction 3/10. This can be regarded as the answer to the given question, “ how can you write 0.3 as a fraction”.

Thus, if we keep this basic concept in our mind, then we will be able to proceed with similar conversions very easily. Now, let us take an example of another decimal number to get a more clear idea of this concept. Suppose we have to convert 0.545 into its corresponding fraction. In this case, there are three decimal places present in the given number. Thus, we have to add three zeros after 1 in the denominator. Similarly if a number has four decimal places, then we will have to add four zeros after 1 in the denominator. Thus, it is evident that the first step is indeed very simple and can be carried out very easily!

2. Writing 0.3 as a fraction in its simplest form

This can be considered as the second step in the conversion of a decimal number into its corresponding fraction. But at the same time, we have to keep in mind that this step might not be required for all types of conversions. This is because of the fact that the fraction obtained after the removal of the decimal point might be already present in its simplest form. This scenario can be observed in this particular question. The fraction that we have obtained after the first step is already present in its simplest form. Thus, 3/10 can be regarded as the correct answer to the given question.

But, in case of situations, where the fraction is not present in its simplest form, we have to convert it into its simplest form. This can be carried out by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. This has to be repeated till we arrive at a fraction in its simplest form.

Thus, from our discussion of the topic, it can be concluded that if we write 0.3 as a fraction, we will get 3/10. Thus, it is evident that conversions of these types can be carried out very easily with the help of a few simple steps!