Polyester furniture is popular with modern homeowners due to its beauty, durability, and affordability. It's also easy to clean and maintain without much effort.

Still, you need to clean your polyester fabrics occasionally to maintain their spotless appearance. This step-by-step guide will help you effectively clean your polyester upholstery and preserve its look.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clean a Polyester Upholstery

  • Read the Tag

The first step for cleaning a polyester couch is to read the tag on the couch carefully. It will ensure you clean the fabric properly and prevent any long-term damage to your couch.

The manufacturer's tag contains information on the right solution for your couch and the solutions to avoid. The tag will contain letters like W, S, WS, and X. 

The symbols indicate the use of a specific cleaning solution with W (water), S( non-water solvent), WS( water and non-water based solution), and X (vacuum only).         

  • Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuuming is one of the best ways to clean and maintain different types of upholstery, including the polyester one. So, pick up your vacuum cleaner and clean your polyester couch from end to end.

Vacuum every nook and cranny of your upholstery to remove crumbs and debris. Use detachable vacuum attachments to remove contaminants from hard-to-reach spots and eliminate pet hairs.

Don't forget to vacuum between the cushions when cleaning a polyester couch. 

  • Clean With Water and Vinegar Solution

A water and vinegar solution is best for upholstery with W tags. So, mix one tablespoon of vinegar, one tablespoon of laundry detergent, and warm water in a spray bottle. 

Shake the solution and test it on a small area of the fabric. When you are confident that no damage will occur, spray the solution on the rest of the couch.

Rub it using a microfiber cloth to clean the polyester fabric and restore its pristine appearance.

  • Clean With a Store-Bought Cleaner

Use a store-bought non-water solvent If your polyester furniture has an S tag. In this case, you should go with the one recommended by your manufacturer's guidelines.

You can use this solution the same as the homemade cleaner by spraying and blotting the damp area. Also, brush the couch thoroughly after cleaning to restore its pristine appearance.

  • Remove Stains

Polyester is one of the best upholstery fabrics for your sofa, as it is more stain-resistant than other fabrics. But when spills occur on your fabric, here is how you can deal with them.

Wine Stains

You can remove wine stains with club soda by pouring some of them onto the stain and blotting with a clean cloth. If that doesn't work, use a water, vinegar, and detergent solution.

Coffee Stains

Tea and coffee stains are also common on upholstery. To remove them, blot them with water and a dishwashing solution. Avoid rubbing to prevent damage to the fabric.

Grease Stains

To remove grease stains from your sofa, sprinkle cornstarch on the stain, vacuum it, and spray water-vinegar solution on the area. 

  • Fluff it Up

The final step in cleaning polyester fabric is brushing the fabric to remove the stiffness created by the cleaner. The gentle brushing loosens the fabric and gives your polyester furniture a fluffy and velvety texture.

You can clean polyester upholstery with this guide. But remember to test all the solutions before using them and avoid rubbing too hard to maintain the look of your couch.