Virtual EMDR therapy is just as effective as in-person EMDR therapy. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a recommended technique to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder but has shown good results in patients with childhood trauma and chronic stress. It involves the therapist guiding the client through a series of eye movements or other bilateral stimulation while recalling distressing events. Virtual therapy is more accessible, flexible, and an option for many who can't or don't want to leave their home for in-person sessions. 

Here's how to prepare for your first virtual EMDR therapy session: 

1. Make a cosy spot 

Choose a quiet, private space where you won't be disturbed. This could be a room where you feel safe and relaxed. Ensure the space is comfortable – a cosy chair or a space with cushions can make a significant difference. The goal is to create an environment that feels secure and conducive to opening up emotionally.

Find a quiet and private space in your home where no one will disturb you. It could be a room, the backyard, or your bedroom balcony. Now, turn this place into a cosy space. Add a few pillows or cushions, a blanket, a solid flat surface for keeping your water bottle, and keep a book and pen ready for notes. 

2. Make sure you have strong internet 

Since the session is hosted virtually, you don't want any interruptions. Check your computer's microphone, audio, and web camera. You can perform a test run with a friend and find a place in your home that has the strongest connectivity. Keep a tablet or smartphone handy if your computer or laptop fails to work. 

3. Be ready mentally

EMDR therapy is designed to handle intense amounts of stress, so your reaction to it would be the same. This type of therapy makes you more aware about your thoughts and emotions, so don't schedule anything serious afterwards. Engage in calming activities like deep breathing, meditation, or listening to soothing music before and after a session. You can also maintain a journal where you write your emotions before, just after, and a few hours after a session.  

4. Keep Necessary Items Close

Have a glass of water, tissues, phone and laptop charger, and any comforting objects like a blanket or a stress ball nearby. Set the room temperature that you find the most comfortable and keep a pair of socks handy if it gets too cold. 

5. Communicate Openly with Your Therapist

Before starting, discuss any concerns or questions you might have. If you aren't in the best headscape, let them know, so they will adjust the session accordingly. In the first few sessions ask them about what you should expect during the session and how to handle difficult emotions that may arise.

6. Plan for Post-Session Care

Plan some quiet time post-session to process your feelings. Avoid scheduling demanding activities immediately after. Some post-session care activities we recommend include going on a walk, drinking your favourite drink from a local coffee shop, watching 20-30 minutes of your favourite sitcom, meditation or working out, and meeting friends for a quick snack. 

7. Keep a Journal

Journaling can be a powerful tool in your healing journey. Write down your thoughts and feelings before and after each session. It not only helps in tracking your emotions but also objectively judge how well you've progressed since. 

Even though the trauma recovery process feels isolating, it isn't. Talk to your close friends and family and ask them for support. Your psychotherapist is here to support you, so make sure to communicate openly with them. 

If you're looking for a trauma psychotherapist experienced in virtual EMDR, please reach out to Jennifer Pinto Psychotherapy. They specialise in trauma and grief therapy and use a mix of evidence-based approaches for a well-rounded recovery. Please reach out to them to book a consultation.