Is your carpet drowning in dirt and almost on the verge of replacement? Don't worry; steam cleaning can help you get your carpet back in shape by extracting those deep-seated dirt and irritating stains. 

But doing it in the wrong way can do more harm than good to your carpet. Therefore, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to steam clean like a pro, leaving your carpets soft, clean, and ready to impress. 

A Simple Step-By-Step Guide To Deep Clean Your Carpet

Prepare The Area

First of all, clean the entire carpeted area. Pick up shoes, toys, newspapers, and other unnecessary items from the floor. Next, move the furniture to a separate room. Also, dust your ceiling fans to prevent dust from falling into the carpet when you steam clean it. 

Vacuum The Carpet

Once the carpeted area is clean, grab your vacuum and start vacuuming the carpet. Vacuuming removes loose dirt, dust, hair, and pet dander from the carpet that could otherwise set further deep in the fibres when steam cleans it directly. 

Pre-Treat The Stains

Now, start the pre-stain treatment process if your carpet has accumulated any. Stains often contain stubborn substances like oils or dyes that can bond to carpet fibres. Pre-treatment solutions use enzymes to loosen these bonds, making them easier to remove during steam cleaning. 

Purchase a good-quality pre-treatment solution and apply it over the stained areas of the carpet. Allow it to sit as per the manufacturer's instructions. When the time is up, simply blot it using a clean cloth.

Prepare The Steam

Next, start preparing the steam. Fill hot water with the required detergent in the designated compartment of the steam machine. Here, how much water and which detergent to use remains one of the major challenges of DIY carpet cleaning

Nonetheless, the machine's instruction contains all the information you need. If it doesn't, you can always contact professionals for this purpose. 

Start Cleaning The Carpet 

Now, start steam cleaning your carpet, working in small sections. Move the steam cleaner wand back and forth in slow, overlapping strokes, ensuring you cover the entire area evenly. Also, when steam cleaning your carpet, try not to over-saturate it to prevent mould growth

Continue steam cleaning the carpet until it's clean, as the machine will let you know when you have to empty the dirty water and refill the tank with clean water. 

Allow It To Dry Properly 

Once you are done with steam, allow the carpet to dry properly. Usually, it takes 6-8 hours for the carpet to dry, but to speed up the drying process, you can turn on dehumidifiers or ceiling fans. 

Steam cleaning is the best way to restore life back into your carpet, no matter how soiled it could've got or how many stains it could've accumulated. However, if it fails to enhance your carpet, it could be a telltale sign that indicates your carpet needs replacement

Final Words

Steam cleaning is one of the best ways to make your carpet look as new as a newly purchased one. However, for that, one must know how to do it in the right way to avoid wrong consequences. This blog gives a step-by-step guide to giving your carpet the best steam-cleaning treatment in the most easy way.