So, you go out to celebrate your friend’s birthday and notice your friend has ordered his fourth drink when you and the others are on their first. Moreover, you can see an addiction issue happening in front of your eyes right there! No wonder, it can be quite upsetting to witness a loved one suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. 

However, you can assist and encourage them on their path to sobriety as a friend or family member. You can help your loved one escape the grip of addiction by being aware of their particular difficulties and offering the appropriate support. There is an alcohol and drug rehab in Rhode Island, Ocean State Recovery. You can check out their website to learn more about their sobriety programs. So, coming back to the topic, in this post, we will go through some practical methods for helping a loved one abstain from drug or alcohol abuse. 

Here we go!

Best Steps You Can Take To Support Sobriety In Your Friends & Family-

Seeing a loved one struggling with substance abuse can be nerve-wracking and griefing to another level. However, maintaining calm and composure by taking appropriate steps at that time can change the course of this journey for you as well as your loved one. 

These are some of the best steps you can take to support your loved one in staying away from using drugs and alcohol or any other kind of substance abuse. 

  1. Become Informed-

Learning about addiction is the first step in helping your loved one.  So, learn about the causes of substance misuse, its consequences on the body and mind, and how to get sober. With this information, you'll be able to engage people in effective discussion and understand their challenges. Additionally, it will enable you to shun judgmental viewpoints and express compassion and understanding instead.

  1. Engage In Judgmental-Free Communication-

Supporting someone on their road to sobriety necessitates keeping lines of communication open and free from judgement. So, be accessible to hear their worries, apprehensions, and frustrations without interfering or passing judgement. Making them feel guilty or humiliated can impede their progress, so avoid doing that at all costs. Instead, create a safe environment where kids can speak freely and openly while also knowing that they have your unflinching support.

  1. Promote Professional Assistance-

Addiction is a complicated problem that frequently necessitates expert intervention. Help your loved one find therapists, support groups, or addiction specialists. You can offer to look into the matter and give them pertinent information and treatment choices. Well, alcohol and drug rehab in Rhode Island, Ocean State Recovery, can be the ultimate recovery destination for your loved one. Contact them now!

So, asking for the right expert advice and help at the right time is a sign of bravery and awareness. There’s no shame in asking for help. You should always remember this!

  1. Establish Firm Boundaries-

Setting and upholding clear limits is crucial while assisting your loved one. Be clear about your expectations and let them know what actions, like using drugs in your company or supporting their addiction, you won't stand for. By establishing these boundaries, you make the situation secure for both of you and assist them in realising the repercussions of their behaviour. Eventually, you have to take care of your sanity as well. You can’t afford to stretch yourself too thin in the process of helping out!

  1. Take Part In Hobbies & Leisure activities-

Encourage your loved one to use healthy substitutes for drug usage as support. So, engage in activities that foster both mental and physical health, such as team sports, hobby exploration, or picking up new interests. By providing them with enjoyable activities, you lower the likelihood that they will become bored and establish a nurturing environment that encourages personal development.

  1. Celebrate Your Accomplishments And Milestones-

To encourage your loved one to carry on with their sobriety path, it is crucial to recognise and celebrate all milestones and accomplishments, no matter how little. Reward them for their efforts and accomplishments along the process, such as days of abstinence, attendance at support group sessions, or finishing treatment. So, celebrating these victories helps them stay motivated by reinforcing their commitment and boosting their self-esteem.

  1. Look for yourself-

Let’s call a spade a spade! Being an addict's supporter can be emotionally taxing. To maintain your well-being, it is imperative to prioritise self-care. So, you can participate in relaxing and stress-relieving activities, such as exercising, meditating, or spending time with friends and family. You can also ask for help from others in your network or think about joining support organisations created especially for the loved ones of addicts. 

Take care of yourself so you can support your loved one more effectively.

Wrapping Up This Here-

To help a loved one abstain from drugs or alcohol takes time, compassion, and persistence. It may not happen overnight, but take a considerable amount of time. However, you can make a big difference in your loved ones' substance abuse recovery process by becoming knowledgeable about addiction, communicating without judgement, supporting professional assistance, establishing clear boundaries, offering healthy alternatives, celebrating victories, and, most importantly, taking care of yourself. 

You should always keep in mind if you won’t take care of yourself and get burnt out in the process, how will you be able to transfer strength and support to your loved one? Besides, if you or your friend or family member living in the United States suffer from addiction issues, Ocean State Recovery can be an incredible community for you. It is an alcohol and drug rehab in Rhode Island, offering advanced and personalised treatment to substance abuse victims. 

Visit their website to know more!