Bodybuilding is a sport that requires a lot of dedication, discipline, and hard work. It involves training your muscles to grow bigger and stronger, while also maintaining a low body fat percentage. To achieve this, you need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen, as well as use supplements that can enhance your performance and results.

One of the most popular and effective supplements for bodybuilding is RAD 140, also known as Testolone or Radarine. This is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that is known for its anabolic strength and potency. RAD 140 can rival some steroids in terms of its muscle-building effects, but with much fewer or no side effects.

In this blog post, we will explain what RAD 140 is, how it works, what benefits it can offer for bodybuilders, how to use it properly, and where to find high-quality RAD 140 SARMs for sale.

What is RAD 140 and How Does it Work?

RAD 140 is a compound that selectively binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. Androgen receptors are proteins that respond to hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which are responsible for male characteristics and functions.

By activating these receptors, RAD 140 can stimulate muscle growth, strength, and performance, without affecting other tissues or organs that are sensitive to androgens. This makes it more selective and safer than steroids, which can cause unwanted side effects like acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement, or gynecomastia.

RAD 140 can also increase the production of erythropoietin (EPO), which is a hormone that stimulates red blood cell formation. This can improve oxygen delivery and endurance in the muscles, as well as prevent anemia.

What are the Benefits of RAD 140 for Bodybuilders?

As you can see, RAD 140 can offer many benefits for bodybuilders who want to improve their physique and performance. Here are some of the main advantages of using RAD 140 SARMs for bodybuilding:

  • It is orally bioavailable. Unlike most steroids that require injections, RAD 140 is easy to take orally as a pill or liquid. This makes it more convenient and less painful to use.
  • It has a short half-life. RAD 140 has a half-life of about 16 hours, which means it clears out of your system quickly. This allows you to adjust your dosage and cycle length according to your goals and preferences.
  • It does not aromatize or convert to DHT. Unlike some steroids that can convert to estrogen or DHT in the body, RAD 140 does not affect your sex hormones or receptors. This means you can avoid the side effects of water retention, bloating, gynecomastia, acne, hair loss, or prostate enlargement.
  • It does not suppress your natural testosterone production. Unlike some SARMs or steroids that can shut down your own testosterone secretion, RAD 140 does not interfere with your endocrine system or HPTA axis. This means you can avoid the side effects of low testosterone levels or hypogonadism.
  • It does not require post cycle therapy. Unlike some SARMs or steroids that can cause hormonal imbalance or rebound effects after using them, RAD 140 does not affect your natural hormone levels or homeostasis. This means you do not need to use any PCT drugs or supplements after using RAD 140.

How to Use RAD 140 Properly?

If you want to use RAD 140 SARMs for bodybuilding, you need to follow some guidelines to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Here are some tips on how to use RAD 140 properly:

  • Start with a low dose. The recommended dose of RAD 140 for bodybuilding is between 10 mg to 30 mg per day. However, if you are new to RAD 140, you should start with a lower dose of 5 mg to 10 mg per day and gradually increase it as you monitor your tolerance and response.
  • Take it in the morning. The best time to take RAD 140 is in the morning, as this is when your testosterone levels are naturally highest. Taking RAD 140 in the morning can also help you avoid any potential insomnia or anxiety issues that may occur with higher doses.
  • Cycle it for 6 to 12 weeks. The optimal cycle length of RAD 140 for bodybuilding is between 6 to 12 weeks. This is enough time to see significant results without causing any long-term problems. You can also take a break of 4 to 6 weeks between cycles to allow your body to reset and avoid any tolerance or dependence issues.
  • Stack it with other supplements. RAD 140 can be stacked with other supplements to enhance its effects and achieve your goals faster. For example, you can stack RAD 140 with MK 677 or LGD 4033 for bulking, or Ostarine or Cardarine for cutting. You can also stack RAD 140 with natural supplements like creatine, BCAAs, or whey protein for muscle growth and recovery.

Where to Find High-Quality RAD 140 SARMs for Sale?

If you are looking for high-quality RAD 140 SARMs for sale, you need to be careful and do your research. There are many fake or low-quality products on the market that can be ineffective or harmful.

To avoid getting scammed or ripped off, you should look for reputable and reliable sources that can provide you with pure and potent RAD 140 SARMs. You should also check the reviews and testimonials of other customers who have used the product before.

One of the best places to find high-quality RAD 140 SARMs for sale is Survival Supplements. This is a leading company that specializes in legal and natural alternatives to SARMs, steroids, and other performance-enhancing drugs.


RAD 140 is a powerful SARM that can help you build muscle, strength, and performance, without causing any side effects or hormonal imbalance. It is easy to use, effective, and safe. However, it is not legal or approved for human use, and you should consult your doctor before using it.

Alternatively, you can use a legal and natural alternative to RAD 140, such as RAD 140 high dose from Survival Supplements. This is a supplement that can boost your testosterone levels and offer various benefits.