The “Vagus Nerve” is the largest nerve in the body, and it influences digestion, heart rate, and the immune system. Activation of this nerve can lead to experiences of positive emotions. If you want to improve your health and wellbeing, this is the nerve you should be focusing on. 

By practicing yoga through an Online Yoga Studio, you can increase your vagus nerve activity. 

Understanding the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is represented by an interbiological process known as vagal tone. If you are in a stressful situation, this nerve can help you return to a normal, relaxed state. That is why it is important to increase its vagal tone under the guidance of a Yoga Teacher Training Online. You can reduce cortisol levels and increase happiness.

The Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation

It is possible to stimulate the vagus nerve by practicing Online Yoga Classes from India. You can unlock the pathway to leading a stress free life and leveling up to higher consciousness under the guidance of an Online Yoga Studio.

Here are some of the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation:

Lowering Stress Levels And Anxiety

The vagus nerve is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It controls activities related to relaxation and digestion, which is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system. Stimulating it has a calming effect on the body, lowering stress levels and providing you with a refreshed outlook toward life.

Boost Immunity

Stress can have a major impact on health and immunity. Lowering it will have a positive effect on immunity. Along with this, vagus nerve stimulation can lower heart rate, blood pressure, and inflammation, which in turn will boost your immunity. It can also help treat diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Enhancing mood and well-being

Change your mindset, and the world will change. By practicing Online Yoga Classes from India, you can reach new levels of consciousness and get closer to the ultimate truth. Petty things will no longer bother you, and you will have a lazer sharp focus in life. 

How Yoga Activates the Vagus Nerve

There are many yoga poses that can stimulate the vagus nerve. It will make your nervous system flexible. You will be able to control stressful thoughts and attain balance in life. Let us look at some yoga practices that can help.


Pranayam is a fundamental yoga practice. In simple words, it is slow, rhythmic, diaphragmatic breathing. To start, you can breathe in and out at the count of 4. Over time, you can try to extend your inhalation and exhalation for deeper relaxation.

Open Your Chest

Any yoga practice that can open and expand your chest will help stimulate the vagus nerve. A simple way to practice is by raising your hands wide and breathing in to expand your chest. This is similar to a morning yawn after a good night's sleep.


This is the ultimate yoga pose for relaxation. You have to be free from all thoughts and disconnect yourself from the world. Practice this for 10 mins to be free from any tension you are holding.

Attend SattvaConnect’s Lifetime Live Stream Classes

If you want the most genuine and pure Yoga Teacher Training Online, then SattvaConnect’s Lifetime Live Stream Classes are perfect for you.

Situated in Rishikesh, India, SattvaConnect provides classes from the heart of yoga and is led by Himalayan master Anand Mehrotra.

Start your yoga journey today. with SattvaConnect!