Allergy season is around the corner and carpet is among the significant elements in the homes that affect allergy sufferers the most. Over time, it can trap a variety of pollutants and contaminants and circulate them back to the air, triggering allergic issues.

But the good part is, this same carpet, when kept clean and well-maintained, can instead help in alleviating allergies. Explore, in this blog, the ways a thorough carpet cleaning can be beneficial in allergy season and make your home healthier. 

5 Ways Carpet Cleaning Can Be Helpful in Allergy Season

  • Removes trapped allergens

Carpets are allergen sinks. They tend to trap air-borne allergens like dirt, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander in their fibers. These particles get stirred when carpets are walked over, leading to allergies.

When you clean your carpets thoroughly by investing in deep cleaning, it removes all these allergens from its depth. This reduces your exposure to triggers and helps prevent worsening allergies.

  • Eliminates germs and bacteria

Along with allergens, bacteria, and germs are also some of the hidden dangers in your dirty carpets, which trigger allergies. Deep cleaning your carpet periodically helps eliminate such harmful microbes from the carpet fibers, helping you breathe clean air, and alleviating allergic issues. 

  • Kills mold and mildew

Your carpet can also house the growth of mold and mildew, especially with unattended moisture left behind. These mold spores can also spread into the air and cause allergies as you walk over your carpet. Deep carpet cleaning methods like steam cleaning and hot water extraction can be beneficial in eliminating mold particles and making it fresher and more hygienic.

  • Freshens the indoor air

Carpets can significantly affect the quality of your indoor air. When it houses a lot of contaminants, they can spread into the air which you inhale and trigger allergic symptoms. 

Professional carpet cleaning can improve indoor air quality by eliminating such contaminants from your carpet. This helps make your atmosphere purer, letting you breathe cleaner air. 

  • Improves carpet's filtering capacity

When huge amounts of filth get collected in your carpet, your carpet cannot trap them anymore and rather releases them into the air. Getting your carpet deep cleaned regularly will help remove it all and restore your carpet's filtering capacity. 

That way, it will help your carpet filter out your indoor air more effectively so the contaminants stay locked, preventing them from spreading. 

Summing Up

Carpet cleaning can be beneficial for allergy season in many ways. It helps remove nasty contaminants like bacteria, allergens, and mold spores from their fibers, improves the quality of indoor air, and restores its filtering capacity. This helps reduce your exposure to allergies and keeps your home environment healthier.