Moving with pets can be stressful. Especially for homeowners who have managed to list on mls, sell their home and secure a new home in a new city or part of town. The longer the move, the more you have to worry about your pets' stress levels and accommodations along the way. Moving pets doesn’t have to be a headache. With some simple planning, attention to detail and observing your pets behavior, you can make the experience as smooth as possible for them. 

Moving homes is one of the most intense processes we go through in the modern age. We have to list on mls to sell our house, find a new place to live, and pack up our entire lives into little boxes. Not to mention the lifting. Moving is exciting, but ultimately one of the most stressful and exhausting things we do. It’s no different for our pets. If you’re moving with an animal soon, check out this short guide to help get started with the process of moving pets to a new home. 

Keep Your Routine 

The most important thing to remember during the packing and moving process is to maintain your routine with your pet as much as possible. Pets are extremely perceptive to changes in home decor, behavior and activities. 

If they notice that you’re moving things around, leaving the house at different times and packing things in boxes, it can make them feel unstable and scared. As much as possible, maintain regular activities like walks, play time and meals to keep their day to day as normal as possible during the transition. 

Make a Comfortable Space During the Process 

In the event that your pet feels afraid of all the change and needs their own space, make sure there is a room in the home with their favorite items. Pack it with their favorite toys, blankets, beds and anything else that they might find comforting. Just as important as keeping their routine is making sure they have a safe space to retire to in the event that they get overwhelmed with all the activity. 

For some pets, this might not mean hiding in a separate room but rather underneath furniture, tables or a bed. In this case, you can make sure they can easily access their favorite hiding spot to give them a better sense of security as their environment gets shifted around. 

Seek Stress Reducing Tactics From The Vet

It might be a good idea ahead of a move to seek stress reducing tactics from the vet. Sometimes they will have helpful techniques for calming their nerves during a car or plane ride or they may recommend anti anxiety medications for animals that tend to get worried when traveling in the car. It’s the same principle as changing their routine. New environments are going to feel unfamiliar and potentially confusing for animals. So it’s important to keep them calm and ease them into the process as much as you can. 

Update Tags 

Make sure that your animals tags, collars and chips are up to date. For the most part, if you have a secure carrier, plenty of toys, treats, water and comforting items, it’s unlikely your pet will leave your sight during the move. But it can happen. And when it does, it’s best to be prepared and make sure all of their necessary identification is up to date and secure on their collar. You should also make sure that the tags reflect the change in address so if your pet does get lost, they can be returned to the right place faster.  

Pet Proof New Home 

If you find a house by list on mls, you may or may not have noticed if the new home is pet proofed. If not, it may be a good idea to be prepared to pet proof the home upon arrival. Remember that the new home won’t be furnished and unpacked. There’s still lots to do and it’s important to make sure that the home is secure and you have a closed space you can put your furry friend in as you unpack and move your boxes into your new home. Whether it means putting up gates, securing screen doors or securing a safe room, make sure your pet has somewhere to be during the moving process. 


Getting your home list on mls, selling and buying a new house is a stressful process. And if you have pets it can be even more intense. To make the process a little smoother, make sure you keep your pets routine the same as much as possible, update their tags and seek anxiety reducing tactics or medications from your vet before the move. Moving is stressful, but you can make it a little smoother by paying attention to what your pet needs during a destabilizing situation like moving. 

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