If you’re new to the world of user experience design, then chances are you have come across some unfamiliar terms and phrases, including UX principles and laws. While these concepts may seem alien to you at first, as time goes on and you learn more about user experience design, it will become easier to recognize these terms and what they represent. In this article, we’ll take a look at the UX design principles and laws that every designer should know, while also providing resources so that you can learn more about them yourself.

User Experience (UX)

A User Experience Designer has a responsibility to create products that are easily usable by the end of their design process. They must take into account how the product will be used and implemented, in addition to designing for multiple devices (desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets). They must also consider how an interface functions for people with disabilities or other physical limitations.

Interaction design principles

When the interface is well-designed, it should not get in the way of what people want to do. It should be a set of tools that they are happy to work with to do their jobs.

Support Users’ Goals: Remember that users have goals when they interact with your product or service. It’s important to provide them with features, or tools, that will help them achieve those goals.

Interface design guidelines

There are six guidelines to keep in mind when designing a website or an app: content should be clear, design is for the user, links should be prominent, there should be a minimal number of words, visual space should be considered, and there should be scrolling behavior.

The laws of user experience

Keep it simple, but not too simple. Simple designs can produce clutter while complicated designs can produce confusion. From the user's perspective, simplicity provides an opportunity to focus on one thing at a time without distraction.


Hire UI/UX design agency in India to bring your vision to life. Website designing is part of Software Development company that specializes in the visual representation of an application or software. In other words, they do what you need them to do, no matter what is necessary. Whether you are looking for someone who will create a beautiful user interface or hand you a sleek mobile app design, the best thing you can do is hire a UI/UX design agency in India.