According to statistics, React Router is the 3rd most popular library and around 44% React projects come under this category.

It is one of the essential tools for building single-page applications (SPAs). It helps developers to add smooth and user-friendly navigation in the web apps. 

If you're planning to build a single-page application then React router is surely recommended. 

However, many people hire dedicated reactjs developers but they don't know the exact potential of react-router.

Here, we will explore everything about React router, its fundamentals, working process, installation and steps towards React router.

What is a React Router?

React Router is a javascript library that helps reactjs developers to create single-page apps. It allows developers to improve app's navigation, user interface and enhance experience for all web pages.

Types of React Router Components

Some main types of React Router Components:

  1. BrowserRouter

BrowserRouter is a component which uses HTML5 history API (such as pushState, replaceState and popstate event) to manage the URLs in your web apps. It makes the URL smoother and easier to navigate.

  1. Routes

Routes is a new component introduced in the v6 and upgraded. Some of the advantages of Routes are:

  • Relative s and s
  • Routes are chosen based on the best-fit match
  1. Route

Route is a component that renders UI when its path matches the URL.

  1. Link

Link Component is mainly used to create links for different routes and implement them around the application. It works like a HTML anchor tag.

How React Routing Works?

React router comes under the client side routing that includes dynamic mechanism. 

Client side rendering orders the server and deals with data only. Whereas, rest of all the routing and rendering is handled by the client itself.

Traditionally, there's a routing process of requesting the server to provide index.html for different pages but now client side rendering only provides index.html for client side routing.

That's why, it's a single page application (SPA) for routing experience and it keeps the URL up-to-date while react js development.

Installing and Importing React Router

To Install react router in your app, here's the below command to follow by react js development company:

// Installing

npm i react-router-dom

And, To Import react router, here's the below command to follow:

// Importing

import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";

How To Install React Router?

There are 3 different packages used to install react router:

  1. React-router
  2. React-router-native
  3. React-router-dom

Let's understand!

React-Router: It contains most of the functionalities of React Router including route matching algorithms, core components and react hooks.

React-router-native: It is especially designed for mobile apps.

React-router-dom: It is especially designed for web apps.

Installing a React router is a simple process, you can use NPM packages to run the below command:

npm install react-router-dom

It will install the latest version of React router.

If you're thinking to use Yarn then here's the below command:

yarn add react-router-dom

Wrapping Up!

React router is a most preferred tool for developers to create seamless UI of single-page web apps. We hope this guide helps you understand React Router, its types, importance and installation method to create a user-friendly interface for your single-page web apps with React router. Now it's your turn to hire dedicated reactjs developers and build your single-page web app with react router.