Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy and beautiful smile. Regular dental cleanings are a vital part of this routine, but there are instances when deep cleaning teeth becomes necessary. In this article, we will delve into the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth and explore how finding an orthodontist near you can be crucial in addressing these concerns.

Deep Cleaning Teeth: What Is It?

Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure aimed at treating gum disease, which includes periodontitis and gingivitis. Unlike regular dental cleanings, deep cleaning targets the plaque and tartar buildup both above and below the gumline. This thorough cleaning process involves scraping away the accumulated bacteria and deposits from the tooth surfaces and roots, often requiring local anesthesia for patient comfort.

Disadvantages Of Deep Cleaning Teeth

  1. Discomfort and Sensitivity

One of the immediate disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth is the discomfort and sensitivity it can cause. The procedure involves scraping and cleaning not only the visible parts of your teeth but also the roots, which can be more sensitive. Patients often report sore gums and teeth after deep cleaning. This discomfort can last for a few days, and it might discourage some people from seeking this essential treatment.

  1. Anesthesia Risks

To alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with deep cleaning, dentists often administer local anesthesia. While this is generally safe, there are some risks involved, such as allergic reactions or side effects. Some individuals may have adverse reactions to the anesthesia, which can lead to complications. It's crucial to discuss any allergies or sensitivities with your dentist before undergoing deep cleaning.

  1. Cost

Another significant disadvantage of deep cleaning is the cost. Deep cleaning is often more expensive than regular dental cleanings due to its complexity and the additional time required for the procedure. Dental insurance may cover some of the costs, but not always in full. For individuals without dental insurance, this expense can be a barrier to seeking necessary dental care.

  1. Multiple Appointments

Deep cleaning teeth is not a one-time procedure. Depending on the severity of your gum disease, you may need to return for multiple appointments to complete the treatment. This can be inconvenient for those with busy schedules and may lead to missed appointments or delays in addressing the issue.

  1. Post-Procedure Maintenance

Following deep cleaning, patients are often required to adopt a more rigorous oral hygiene routine to maintain the results. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and the use of prescribed mouthwashes. The necessity for increased maintenance can be seen as a disadvantage, especially for individuals who struggle with consistent oral care.

  1. Temporary Tooth Sensitivity

While deep cleaning can alleviate gum disease and prevent its progression, it can also lead to temporary tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity may occur as a result of the cleaning process and the exposure of tooth surfaces. It usually subsides over time but can be uncomfortable during the recovery period.

  1. Possible Complications

In rare cases, deep cleaning teeth can lead to complications such as infection or damage to the gums and tooth roots. This underscores the importance of seeking treatment from a skilled and experienced dental professional. It's crucial to choose a qualified orthodontist or periodontist who can minimize the risk of complications.

Finding An Orthodontist Near Me

To address the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth effectively, it's essential to find a qualified orthodontist or periodontist near you. Here are some reasons why proximity to a skilled dental professional matters:

  1. Convenience

Having an orthodontist near me location offers convenience. It reduces travel time and the hassles of commuting, making it easier to attend multiple appointments if necessary. This convenience can be especially beneficial when dealing with gum disease, as it often requires ongoing treatment and monitoring.

  1. Timely Intervention

Gum disease can progress rapidly if left untreated. Having an orthodontist or periodontist nearby allows for timely intervention. You can seek treatment as soon as you notice symptoms or receive a recommendation from your regular dentist, reducing the risk of complications and the need for extensive deep cleaning procedures.

  1. Personalized Care

Establishing a relationship with a local orthodontist or periodontist enables you to receive personalized care. They can become familiar with your specific oral health needs and history, tailoring their treatment approach accordingly. This personalized care can lead to better outcomes and a more comfortable overall experience.

  1. Access to Emergency Care

In the event of unexpected complications or emergencies related to your gum disease treatment, having an orthodontist or periodontist nearby ensures rapid access to care. Prompt attention can make a significant difference in managing any issues that may arise during the course of your treatment.

  1. Supportive Services

Orthodontists and periodontists often work closely with general dentists and other dental specialists. Having one nearby means you can easily access supportive services, such as regular check-ups and cleanings, which are essential for maintaining your oral health after deep cleaning.


While deep cleaning teeth has its disadvantages, it remains a crucial procedure for managing gum disease and maintaining oral health. The discomfort, cost, and potential complications associated with deep cleaning can be mitigated by choosing a qualified orthodontist or periodontist near you. Their expertise, convenience, and personalized care can make the process more manageable and improve the overall outcome of your treatment. When facing the need for deep cleaning teeth, remember that finding an orthodontist or periodontist near you can be the key to a healthier, happier smile.