Aquarium beginner hobbyists often make many mistakes when setting up aquascape, and some of the mistakes may cause nutrient deficiencies in the aquatic plants due to lack of aquascaping experience. The post has summarized several points for setting up a mini aquascaping. Let's take a look.

When the water in the aquarium appears cloudy, beginners often make the serious mistake of using excessive water changes and cleaning the filter media. To maintain clear water in the aquarium, it is necessary to establish a stable nitrification system. In the initial stage, you can establish the nitrification system rapidly by adding nitrifying bacteria.

When planting aquatic plants in the mini aquascape, each plant should be planted individually, maintaining a suitable distance between them is beneficial for growth.

You should remove the old roots before planting some stem plants, such as Green Hygrophila and Alternanthera sessilis.

Tips for setting up a mini aquascaping

Change water

Generally, the recommended water change volume is one-fourth to one-third of the total water volume per week for a planted aquarium.


Keep a duration of continuous lighting from 8 to 10 hours per day with aquarium lights. And avoid direct sunlight for the mini aquascape.


The filter media inside the aquarium filter should be cleaned every one to two months, or you can clean them when the water blockage occurs.

Filter sponge, ceramic rings, or bio-sponges should be cleaned approximately every six months. You should clean only half of the total filter media each time, remember to avoid cleaning them simultaneously. Maintain an interval of about two weeks to clean your filter.


The use of root fertilizers and liquid fertilizers should strictly follow the instructions provided, and overuse should be avoided.

Stocking density

The stocking density of aquatic pets should not be too high, and don’t over feed them.


Decorative materials made of driftwood, are prone to causing yellowish water in aquascape. You can boil them over low heat for about 3–4 hours before using them.

How to choose the driftwood for mini aquascape

A high-quality driftwood is essential in aquascape. It not only adds a nature feeling to the aquarium, enhancing its aesthetic value, but also serves as a habitat and hiding place for aquarium inhabitants. Additionally, it functions as a tool to anchor the substrate and provides a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria. So, how to choose driftwood for aquascaping?

When selecting driftwood, you must consider the size of your aquarium. It should neither be too large nor too small, as both would compromise the visual appeal and diminish the ornamental value of the aquascaping.

First, choose driftwood that can sink and remain at the bottom of the aquarium for an extended period. Therefore, pay attention to the specific gravity of the driftwood. The higher the specific gravity, the more stable of the driftwood, which is advantageous for aquascaping. You can choose the fully carbonized driftwood to prevent the release of harmful substances.

Opt for driftwood with unique shapes, as they possess appreciative value and showcase, thereby increasing the aesthetic value of the mini aquascaping.