Turning a recycled surfboard into a custom-painted art piece is not only a creative endeavor but also a sustainable way to breathe new life into old materials. Whether you're an avid surfer looking to repurpose your old board or an art enthusiast seeking a unique canvas, this guide will walk you through the process of getting a custom-painted surfboard.

Step-by-step Guide To Painting Your Surfboard

Step 1: Choose a Recycled Surfboard

Start by selecting a surfboard that you want to transform. It could be your old board with sentimental value, a second-hand board, or one sourced from a local surfboard recycling program. Choosing a board with a smooth and well-prepared surface will make the painting process more manageable.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

Before the artistic transformation begins, ensure the surfboard's surface is clean and smooth. Remove any wax, stickers, or residue using a wax comb and an appropriate cleaner. Sand the surface lightly to create an ideal canvas for the paint to adhere to. If the board has any dings or damages, repair them with suitable materials.

Step 3: Conceptualize Your Design

Think about the theme or concept you want for your custom-painted surfboard. Consider the colors, patterns, and style that resonate with you. You may draw inspiration from nature, abstract art, or even personal experiences. If you're not artistically inclined, collaborating with a local artist can bring your vision to life.

Step 4: Find a Skilled Artist or DIY

Decide whether you want to paint the surfboard yourself or hire a professional artist. If you're confident in your artistic abilities, gather the necessary materials such as acrylic paints, brushes, and sealant. Alternatively, reach out to local artists or art studios specializing in custom surfboard paintings. Discuss your ideas with them and choose an artist whose style aligns with your vision.

Step 5: Consultation with the Artist

If you choose to work with an artist, schedule a consultation to discuss your design ideas, color preferences, and any specific elements you want to incorporate. Ensure you convey the essence of the artwork you envision. The artist may provide input on paint types, techniques, and protective coatings to enhance the longevity of the artwork.

Step 6: Execution and Final Touches

Once the design is finalized, the artist will begin the painting process. Stay involved in the creative journey by providing feedback during key stages. Once the artwork is complete, the artist will apply a sealant or clear coat to protect the painting from the elements, ensuring its durability over time.

Common design options and themes

When considering design options and themes for your custom-painted recycled surfboard, the possibilities are endless. Your choice can be influenced by personal preferences, interests, or even environmental concerns. Here are some common design options and themes to inspire your custom surfboard artwork:

Ocean and Marine Life

Depicting underwater scenes, marine creatures, and coral reefs can create a visually stunning and thematic design for your surfboard. Consider using vibrant blues and greens to mimic the colors of the ocean.

Abstract Art

Embrace the freedom of abstract art with bold, expressive strokes and unconventional color combinations. This option allows for creativity without adhering to a specific subject, making it a versatile and modern choice.

Tropical Vibes

Infuse your surfboard with the laid-back atmosphere of tropical destinations. Palm trees, sunsets, and exotic flowers can contribute to a design that radiates vacation vibes.

Personal Story or Journey

Turn your surfboard into a visual representation of your personal experiences, adventures, or journeys. Incorporate symbols, landmarks, or elements that hold special meaning to you.

Geometric Patterns

Clean and symmetrical geometric patterns can add a contemporary and stylish touch to your surfboard. Experiment with shapes, lines, and angles to create visually appealing designs.

Vintage Surf Art

Pay homage to the roots of surfing with vintage-inspired designs. Incorporate classic surf imagery, retro fonts, and a color palette reminiscent of old surf culture.

Pop Culture and Icons

Showcase your favorite pop culture references, movie characters, or iconic symbols on your surfboard. This option allows for a personalized and eclectic design that reflects your interests.

Environmental Awareness

Use your surfboard as a canvas to raise awareness about environmental issues. Highlight themes like ocean conservation, plastic pollution, or endangered species through your artwork.

Dreamy Landscapes

Create dreamlike landscapes with surreal elements, fantasy creatures, or celestial bodies. Soft pastels and ethereal hues can enhance the dreamy atmosphere.

Custom Portraits or Illustrations

Consider featuring custom portraits, illustrations, or caricatures on your surfboard. This option adds a personal touch and can be a unique way to showcase your individuality.

Tips for those who want to paint their surfboards

Painting your surfboard can be a rewarding and creative endeavor, but it requires careful planning and execution to ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing result. Here are some tips for those who want to paint their surfboards:

  • Prepare the Surface:
      • Start with a clean and smooth surface. Remove any wax, stickers, or residue using a wax comb and an appropriate cleaner.
      • Sand the surface lightly to create a textured surface that helps the paint adhere better.
  • Choose the Right Paint:
      • Opt for acrylic paint, as it adheres well to surfboard materials and is water-resistant.
      • Consider using paint markers for detailed work and fine lines.
  • Use Quality Brushes:
      • Invest in high-quality brushes suitable for acrylic paint.
      • Different brush sizes and shapes can help you achieve various textures and details in your design.
  • Protective Coating:
      • Apply a clear coat or sealant to protect the painted surface from UV rays, saltwater, and general wear and tear.
      • Choose a clear coat that is compatible with acrylic paint and provides long-lasting protection.
  • Plan Your Design:
      • Sketch your design on paper before transferring it to the surfboard. This helps you visualize the layout and make adjustments.
      • Consider the shape of the board and how the design will complement its curves.
  • Layering and Drying:
      • Allow each layer of paint to dry thoroughly before applying the next one.
      • Layering can add depth and complexity to your design. Patience is key to achieving a professional-looking finish.
  • Test Colors and Techniques:
      • Test your chosen colors and painting techniques on a small area of the board or on a piece of cardboard first.
      • This allows you to see how the colors interact and practice your painting techniques.
  • Personalize and Express Yourself:
      • Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in your design. Your surfboard is a canvas for self-expression.
      • Experiment with different styles and incorporate elements that are meaningful to you.
  • Seek Professional Advice:
      • If you're unsure about certain aspects of the painting process, seek advice from experienced artists or professionals.
      • Local art supply stores or surfboard shapers may provide valuable insights.
  • Follow Safety Precautions:
    • Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from paint and sealants.
    • Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, to ensure your safety during the painting process.

Remember that painting a surfboard is a creative journey, and mistakes are part of the learning process. Enjoy the experience, and don't hesitate to make adjustments along the way to achieve the desired result.


Transforming a recycled surfboard into a custom-painted art piece is a rewarding project that combines creativity with sustainability. Whether you choose to embark on the artistic journey yourself or collaborate with a skilled artist, the end result will be a one-of-a-kind surfboard arts that tells a unique story and adds a touch of personal flair to your surfing adventures.