If you simply stretch your imagination a little, there's plenty of usage for licence plates such as the 3d gel carbon number plates. Numerous ideas for interior and exterior house decoration might benefit from the colours and patterns. Have you ever considered utilising licence plates for DIY tasks?  Utilising recycled materials reduces project costs and benefits the ecosystem.

Licence Plates Have Purposes

Colourful and quaint licence plates are on the road. They may serve a variety of purposes in initiatives, including communicating ideas and moods. 

Licence Plate Holiday Decorations

Maybe a Christmas tree Advent calendar might be ideal if you're on the hunt for suggestions for original holiday décor. You can see the finished work on Recycled Art's Etsy page, which is where you can also get further design inspiration from the husband and wife duo, such as the trio of polar bears or the dogs wearing Santa hats.

Artwork for a Wall

Make a unique ornamental item out of an old licence plate. It could be simple enough to simply hang the old licence plate that should be sufficient for you if it is something which makes you think of pleasant memories.

  • For instance, you could cut letters from numerous licence plates & glue them together to form a specific word or message.
  • A collage of fragments from various licence plates which indicated journeys you've travelled or homes you've resided in may also be created.

Dustpan for Licence Plates

It may not be the most fascinating thing, but it is functional and even has a cool appearance. Who wouldn't consider a dustpan art if you hung it somewhere? Cat Ivins, who runs the blog Olive Bites while creating recycled and ecological jewellery at her design studio in New Jersey whenever she isn't dumpster diving, has a guide on how to accomplish it.


For a distinctive dustpan, affix an old licence plate to the handle. It merely takes bending the sides of the licence plate up to create a distinctive dustpan which all of your friends are going to be curious about, especially if you have a bit of scrap wood, plastic, or metal which you could utilise as a handle. For attaching the bent licence plate to the handle, all you need to do is locate some screws or some additional hardware. 

  • Bend the licence plate easily with a wood block. Choose the location for the bend, place the wood block there, and then bend the plate upward along the block.


 Using the old licence plate to create a notepad and a list. After thoroughly cleaning the old licence plate, apply a stylish binder clip to it. When you need something more durable, you might consider using genuine clipboard hardware which you bolt onto the licence plate.

  • Even a pen holder might be added if you wanted to get very fancy.

Feeder Made From a Licence Plate

The folded licence plate bird feeders Brian Carlisle at Gadget Sponge made were enjoyable to make and were well received by customers on his Etsy shop. He has sufficient images, though, so if you can determine the dimensions, this may be a fun DIY project.

Registration Plate Birdhouse

There is a guide at Rustic Crafts on how to decorate a pre-built, incomplete birdhouse. Renee Hanlon painted it, folded a licence plate over the roof for decoration, added stones to the rim, as well as glued a birch branch to the top for a straight edge.

Appliance Magnets

 Your old licence plate can be cut up and used to make unique magnets. If you possess an extremely vibrant licence plate, this is particularly entertaining. All you need to do to make specific letters and numbers into magnets is attach a magnet square on the back.

  • After cutting, don't forget to sand the edges down; otherwise, they'll be quite sharp.

Lawn Sign Clipboards

Whenever you can make your clipboard from a recycled licence plate, why opt for plain hardboard or plastic one? Since she had a Crop-A-Dile II, Laura of LiveLoveScrap reports she simply purchased the clips, designated the plate for the holes, and punched through them. After that, it only required a few nuts and bolts to complete the assembly. A simple and quick DIY project.


 Provide your plants with a unique new home which will be a talking point. To create a planter, cut a circle from wood and bend your licence plate around it. For a secure fit, fasten the licence plate with a bolt to the wood.  If you wish to install the planter on something solid, drill a hole in the centre of the wood so that water can drain as well as place an old lid at the bottom as a water dish.

  • Use the pre-drilled holes at the very top of the licence tag to connect chains if the planter will be hung outside.
  • You might even construct many planters and tie them together to make a larger hanging basket if you have multiple licence plates.

Final Words

It could be time to create yourself licence plates if you've used up every one of your current ones.