First crocuses and daffodils signal spring's arrival when it appears in the air. You should also get your lawn Care Fontana ready as soon as you see these early signs. It depends on your region's climate when performing lawn care tasks.

You should start clearing snow as soon as you are confident that it has stopped. When the forsythia plants bloom or the lilac bushes bloom in your neighborhood, start your yard work.

With spring's wake-up call, help your lawn thrive with proper lawn care so it can thrive throughout the year. The lawn can defend itself in the spring if you take significant simple steps. 


It is important to rake leaves from the fall and grass blades that did not make it through the winter by the start of spring. Your lawn's thatch layer will grow thicker if these dead blades are left alone. A rake can also loosen snow mold-caused matted grass clumps, which can cause new growth to be smothered.

To remove dead grass, use a rake with a spring tine and pull it upwards. Rather than raking when the soil is muddy and soft, rake when it is not muddy and soft to prevent pulling up healthy grass crowns.


Adding overseeding to your lawn will help fill bare or thin spots. Warm-season grass should be overseeded in late spring. Cool-season grass does best in fall, but smaller areas can be spot-seeded in spring in colder regions. Fertilize your overseeded areas with nitrogen fertilizer that releases slowly over time. Use a quick-release nitrogen feed five weeks after overseeding.

Aerate & Dethatch

It is the only solution for compacted soil that will result in a healthy lawn. You should aerate your lawn depending on how you use it and what type of soil you have. Grasses that grow in warm weather should be aerated from late spring through early summer. Those who prefer cool seasons should wait until the fall. You can still tackle it in early spring if you didn't finish it last fall. Here are a few tips to help you aerate properly and learn the secrets of aeration.

When it comes to dethatching turf, spring is the best time. If you are planting cool-season grasses, start early in spring; if you are planting warm-season grasses, start late in spring or early in summer. Dethatching is something you should learn more about.


Pre-emergent herbicides prevent crabgrass seeds from germinating in your Lawn Care Fontana if crabgrass is a problem. It is crucial to time this application correctly. It is usually recommended to follow the application timing on the bag of the product. Herbicide application tips and timing for pre-emergent applications.

Post-emergent broadleaf herbicides can be used on warm-season lawns to control perennial and winter annual weeds. Use 5 In 1 Weed & Feed to treat perennial weeds as they appear in cool-season lawns. This herbicide kills lawn weeds such as dandelions and clover, as well as crabgrass.


Spring fertilizer should be applied approximately a few weeks after the grass commences veering around green (which usually arises after the second or third mowings). Feeding weeds and creating fertilizer runoff are risks of applying lawn fertilizer for spring too early. The roots may not yet have begun their spring growth spurt when too-early applications trigger lush blade growth.


There are different irrigation needs for spring in different regions. As temperatures rise, spring winds build in the Southwest, and if spring rainfall is scarce in mountain areas, continue watering lawns as you have over winter, increasing irrigation frequency as the temperatures rise.

Spring rains provide sufficient moisture to awaken lawns in northern, midwestern, and Pacific Northwest regions. When it comes to greening up grass, resist the temptation to water it. Allow the grass to green up naturally and irrigate only if it appears dehydrated or rain is scarce.

Assess the Soil

In addition to moss covering the ground, acidic soil is also characterized by a coating of moss. On the pH scale, 7 represents completely neutral soil, while 0 represents acidic soil. Soils with pH levels below 7 are classified as acidic, while soils with pH levels above 7 are classified as alkaline. 

Lawn Care Fontana will adjust the soil's pH so that grass can grow more easily. In acidic soils, ground limestone is commonly added to raise the pH. However, this is not a quick fix, since it takes time for the lime to take hold.