Gallbladder stones, also referred to as gallstones, tend to develop in the gallbladder, as the name suggests. They are hardened stone-like structures that are formed due to bile deposits. Although their size can vary significantly, few can be very minute, and few can be larger, causing severe discomfort. 

Smaller stones can easily pass through the duct, and larger stones can get stuck, leading to immense pain. 

Cholelithiasis - here's what to know:

Cholelithiasis is the presence of gallstones. Many people suffer from cholelithiasis and are unaware of it. Gallstones will not necessarily cause you any trouble. However, gallstones can occasionally cause complications by causing an obstruction. This will result in organ pain and inflammation. If it isn't treated, it could cause undesirable outcomes.

Gallstones - how common are they?

In developed countries, about 10 per cent of adults and 20% of people over the age of 65 have gallstones. Gallstones only need to be treated in 20% of people who have them.

The major signs that indicate gallstones:

  • Abdominal and back pain.
  • Pain in the abdomen that worsens after a heavy meal
  • Jaundice
  • If your gallbladder becomes inflamed, you may have high body temperature and pain and discomfort.

Different types of gallbladder stones are reported:

Cholesterol stones:

It is made mostly of cholesterol, a fat-like compound important for many metabolic processes. For example, cholesterol stones can get big enough to stop bile flow.

Mixed stones: 

This type is most often seen. They are composed of salts and cholesterol.

Pigment stones:

Because of the pigments in it, bile is a greenish-brown colour. Most gallstones that are made of bile pigment are small and many.

The effect of gallstones on the functioning of the body:

If a gallstone gets to the opening of your gallbladder, it can block the flow of bile into or out of your body. If a gallstone gets out of the gallbladder and into your bile ducts, it could stop bile from moving through your ducts. 

This will make the bile back into the organs that are close by. When bile holds up, it puts pressure on your organ systems and bile ducts, making them hurt and swell up. This is called inflammation. Reach out to gallbladder stone treatment in Coimbatore if you are experiencing the signs.

The following complications can occur due to gallstones:

Biliary colic: 

When gallstones tend to move in the body, they can get stuck at the entry of the gall duct leading to infection.

Gallbladder infection: 

The blockage in the duct due to the gallstones can lead to infection, showing signs of inflammation and fever.


This condition can occur when the stuck bile in the gallbladder gets infected.

The different treatment options for treating gallbladder stones in elderly patients:

Although not all cases require Treatment for Gallstones, few of them can occur without causing pain or discomfort.

Here are the major treatment options to treat gallbladder stones:

Medications to treat gallbladder stones:

The patient is recommended medications by a specialist to dissolve the stones. But this procedure can generally take many months or, at times, even a couple of years and if the medication is stopped after a while, gallstones can recur. 

Endoscopy procedure to remove gallbladder stones:

Endoscopy is used to eliminate gallstones in the biliary ducts (ERCP). This doesn't need to be cut. The long and slender tube that has been put down your throat is used to pull the gallstones out. Gallstones are removed from the gallbladder by taking it out (cholecystectomy). Most of the time, this can be done with laparoscopy, a surgery requiring only a small cut.

Laparoscopy gallstone removal procedure:

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is done through small cuts called "keyhole incisions" in your abdomen. A tiny camera called a laparoscope is used to do the surgery. Your doctor puts the laparoscope into one keyhole and your gallbladder out of another. Smaller incisions mean less pain after surgery and a quicker recovery than "open" surgery, which uses bigger cuts. Consult a top gastroenterologist in Coimbatore to avoid any complications of gallbladder stones.

Traditional open surgery:

Some people have more complicated conditions and need open surgery to treat them. If you undergo open surgery, you'll stay in the hospital longer and take longer to heal at home because the cut is bigger. If your surgeon runs into problems during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, they may have to switch to open surgery.

Yet this might not be recommended for elderly patients as they can take a comparatively long time to recover.

In severe cases of gallbladder stone recurrence, the specialists might recommend cholecystectomy, which is referred to as the removal of gallbladder and is usually minimally invasive. 

Can you live a normal life after the removal of the gallbladder?

Even without a gallbladder, the digestive system could still work. The main job of your gallbladder is to store the bile that your liver makes. It helps you digest by sending bile to the small intestine. When your surgeon takes out your gallbladder, they will reroute your bile ducts so that bile can go straight from the liver to the small intestine.

Prognosis of the gallstone surgery:

Cholecystectomy is usually the only way to get rid of gallstones for good, and most patients heal quickly and fully from it. However, some people might still get gallstones in the bile ducts after that. An endoscope can be used to treat these. If you try to get rid of gallstones with medicine, it works for an average part of the time, but the stones often come back. So reach out to the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Coimbatore to get the treatment for gallbladder stones.