Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on promoting optimal health rather than treating diseases. It takes into account individual genetics, biochemistry, environment, and lifestyle to tailor personalized treatment plans for each person's health. Practitioners believe in the body's self-healing ability, aiming to identify and address root causes of illness rather than symptoms. Here's all you need to know about this kind of medicine:

The Functional Medicine Model

The application of functional medicine is based on a system's biological approach, recognizing that all body systems are interconnected. An imbalance in one system can affect other systems, leading to various symptoms and conditions. Some of the fundamental principles of holistic medicine include:

Patient-Centered Care

To create individualized treatment plans, the healthcare practitioner takes time to understand a patient's medical history, genetics, lifestyle, and environment. This approach empowers patients to take an active role in their health journey. Collaborating with patients helps to identify the root causes of their health concerns and develop long-term solutions.

Whole Person Approach

Assessing and addressing the body's interconnected systems form the basis of a holistic approach. Identifying underlying imbalances, such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and gut dysfunctions, can help to restore optimal health. The broader approach factors in mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, recognizing that these aspects play a significant role in overall health. 

Preventative Care

Functional medicine focuses on preventing chronic diseases before they manifest. Embracing a healthy lifestyle and managing stress through meditation, yoga, and exercise can significantly impact long-term health. Focus on nutrition, sleep, and stress management helps optimize health in the functional model. Visit a trusted holistic practitioner to see how to incorporate this approach into your health journey.


The collaboration between patients and healthcare practitioners is a fundamental aspect of holistic medicine. Patients are encouraged to participate in their health journey and actively participate in their treatment plans. This approach fosters better communication, trust, and understanding between the patient and practitioner.


Functional Medicine promotes overall well-being rather than just treating symptoms or diseases. The application of medicine is based on scientific principles that guide testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Advanced laboratory testing can provide a more comprehensive view of a person's health and identify underlying imbalances. Treatments may include dietary changes, supplements, stress management techniques, and other natural therapies. 

Functional Medicine vs. Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine takes a broader approach and combines conventional and complementary therapies for overall well-being. It combines conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary therapies. Integrative medicine aims to treat the whole person, considering their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Functional medication focuses on identifying and addressing underlying imbalances to prevent chronic diseases. It takes a more personalized approach by utilizing advanced laboratory testing and individualized treatment plans. These two practices can provide a comprehensive and practical approach to optimal health.

Conditions a Functional Medicine Doctor Treat

Arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and chronic pain are a few of the conditions treated by preventive medicine doctors. This approach can also benefit those with conditions that have not responded well to conventional medical treatment. Practitioners are trained to examine the whole person and address any underlying imbalances contributing to their illness. Treatment may include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, supplements, and natural therapies, depending on the individual's needs. 

Embracing Functional Medicine for Optimal Health 

Functional medicine is an approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of a person's health and wellness. Through collaboration between patients and practitioners, evidence-based treatments, and personalized care, holistic medicine can improve the quality of life and prevent chronic diseases. Incorporating holistic medicine into your lifestyle can lead to long-term improvements in your health and well-being.