There is no better time than now to get rid of your orthodontic issues with the advanced technologies available in orthodontics. When you know about the new age braces in Superior CO, you can choose a treatment system that makes the duration shorter compared to the traditional brace system. The advanced technology and components used in these braces solutions make them more precise with more efficient and more convenient functional aspects. With today's bracing solutions, you get to see how your smile changes before you start the treatment. If you are not familiar with the advanced technologies working on orthodontics, read on to learn your more discreet solutions for clear ceramic braces.

  • Invisalign clear aligners

The traditional braces mainly use brackets and elastic ligatures, which cause many patients discomfort and scaping on the gum and tongue. Thanks to the advances in orthodontics, patients can make more discreet choices with braces in Lafayette CO. Invisalign is one of the popular discreet bracing solutions that makes your smile invisible with removable aligners. It gives you a metal-free dental aligning option and gets your teeth into their correct position.

  • Incognito lingual braces

Although the brackets and wires are used in the incognito lingual braces, they are a promising treatment option if a patient has severe misalignment and wants to stay discreet about their treatment. Your orthodontist in Lafayette, CO, will apply the bracing on the back of the teeth. So, they stay concealed with the tongue side. You can detect the braces, but you can still get the same results with lingual braces.

  • Clear braces

Just like metal braces, clear braces also function similarly. However, since they use ceramic brackets, they are less obvious compared to metal brackets. The ceramic brackets can match your teeth' color and provide you with aesthetic benefits. The best part of using ceramic brackets is that they can resist staining. So they won't cause any hindrance to the progress of the treatment.

  • Temporary Anchorage Devices

Orthodontists are not just using braces in Superior, CO, to protect teeth and gum, but also TADs. These are temporary anchorage devices made of mini-screws that control the teeth' movement from the jawbone. This movement restriction is painless and easy. If braces alone can't do the job, TADs help keep the teeth in a straight position.


The orthodontics technologies are only going to continue to advance as treatments evolve. It will ensure the patients have a range of innovative options to achieve a straighter and healthier smile. From 3D-printed custom brackets to removable aligners, the tech-advanced treatment planning mentioned above is reshaping how orthodontic care is delivered. Get in touch with Orthodontist in Superior CO to achieve your smile goals.