Face injuries, particularly to the nose, are unavoidable in sporting events. Other situations, such as accidents, physical altercations, etc, can also cause them. However, during sports events, it can occur as a consequence of a collision with an opponent or as a result of an unintentional blow with a piece of sports equipment. 

Dedicated athletes understand the importance of seeing a doctor to determine the severity of these incidents, but some still postpone their consultations. Those wondering if effective treatment for this is available should be relaxed as rhinoplasty, an advanced cosmetic procedure, can be used to deal with the injury on the nose.

This article is drafted to discuss how rhinoplasty is a trustworthy treatment to deal with an injury caused to the nose due to a traumatic event. To make this an informative post, the information is gathered from the insights shared by an expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Akangsha Sharma. The surgeon is a reputed doctor known for offering the Best Rhinoplasty in Jaipur. So, let's start by learning what rhinoplasty is.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, popularly known as a nose job, is a popular cosmetic procedure used to make alterations to the nose shape. It is a commonly used procedure because of the aesthetic appeal it provides. Nowadays, it is becoming common among athletes. 

If one plays competitive, contact sports and has a disproportionate nose shape as a result of a severe injury, accident, or natural reasons, rhinoplasty is a straightforward surgery that can restore the appearance and full function of the nose with little to no consequences.

Why is Rhinoplasty Performed?

  • Surgery isn't generally necessary after a nose injury, although it can be if the bones or cartilage are badly injured. After an injury, problems can arise if the bones or cartilage have been displaced, resulting in an asymmetrical or deformed nose. 
  • Another common cause for necessitating surgery after a nose injury is that patches of cartilage might die. This happens if they are deprived of blood flow for an extended period of time due to the formation of blood clots in the nasal passages. The loss of cartilage can cause a saddle nose, which is characterized by a dip in the bridge. 
  • Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is occasionally performed for cosmetic reasons. If the bones or cartilage have been clearly shifted, it can restore the contour or symmetry of the nose. 
  • However, rhinoplasty after an injury can also help with obstructions, breathing difficulty, snoring, and other functional issues. 

Following a nasal injury, a skilled surgeon can provide individualized advice on whether surgery is the best option.

When Is Rhinoplasty Necessary?

While most people want to visit a surgeon immediately after a nose injury, experts strongly advise waiting until the swelling and bruising have reduced before having the nose evaluated. Once one has observed some progress, visit an experienced plastic surgeon who will analyze the current condition of the nose and devise an immediate treatment plan to improve the chances of a smooth recovery and avoid any long-term repercussions of a broken nose.

Whether to improve the appearance of the nose or to aid in regaining function, the odds of a full recovery with minimal problems are higher when a qualified surgeon with experience dealing with facial injuries devises and performs the surgery.

What are the Advantages of Rhinoplasty After An Injury?

Following an injury, rhinoplasty may be recommended for getting the following benefits:

  • Improvement of Aesthetics

Untreated, broken noses are unlikely to heal properly. One could end up with a crooked nose, a flatter bridge, or a noticeable hump. These cosmetic alterations might have an impact on self-esteem and confidence levels. Thus, a rhinoplasty can help in regaining the confidence as before. 

  • Enhance Function

Even if the visual alterations induced by the damage were slight, the functional difficulties may be more concerning. A broken nose can result in interior nose injury, such as a deviated septum or a clogged nasal channel. These injuries can cause difficulty breathing, frequent sinus infections, and even difficulty sleeping. Nasal surgery may be required to improve nasal functionality and restore appropriate airflow.

  • Stop Blood Clots

After an injury, there is a quick rush of blood to the area, creating internal bruising and swelling. This can cause a blood clot to form in the septum and damage the cartilage if left untreated. Damaged cartilage can lead to a collapsed nose, which is significantly more difficult to repair. Thus, getting rhinoplasty can help.

How Is a Nasal Injury Repaired Through Rhinoplasty?

As each person's nasal damage is unique, the essential treatment will be personalized to the patient as well. The surgeon will use the appropriate techniques to restore the appearance and functionality of an injured nose. During the consultation, the surgeon will advise one on whether this treatment should be conducted using a closed, tip, or open technique.

  • Open Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty with an open incision)

The surgeon makes a small Z-shaped incision on the underside of the nose between the nostrils during an open rhinoplasty. The open technique enables the doctor to make more precise modifications to the nose's form. The scar after open rhinoplasty is small, but it disappears fast with good care.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty with incision inside the nose)

Closed rhinoplasty involves the surgeon making incisions inside the nose without damaging the skin. The slight difficulty with this method is the inability to see the bone, cartilage, and tissue. However, this sort of nose job generates less edema than open rhinoplasty and is most appropriate to address small flaws.

  • Tip Rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty targeting the tip of the nose)

The surgeon focuses on reshaping the tip of the nose during tip plasty surgery. The method is less invasive and does not require nasal bone surgery. The healing time following this type of rhinoplasty is usually shorter than the recovery time from standard nose surgery. 


Rhinoplasty Surgery Can Improve Nasal Function After Trauma or Injury

Rhinoplasty has been shown to help athletes in contact sports as well as those who have undergone a traumatic injury. It has helped in dealing with facial injury and other internal complications caused by a broken nose. Seeking treatment from an experienced surgeon is important in ensuring that patients receive the necessary care and attention in order to recover smoothly.

To get an expert consultation, one can consult the Best Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur, Dr. Akangsha Sharma, at AK Aesthetics. Visit the clinic today to receive top-tier rhinoplasty work from a skilled expert who has performed hundreds of successful life-changing surgeries. The surgeon is renowned for performing other surgeries as well, such as brow lift, face lift, blepharoplasty, and many more. One can pay a visit now at AK Aesthetics to get the desired outcomes one has been longing for.