A periodontist is a dentist specializing in analyzing and treating dental problems. During regular checkups, they can help their patient to prevent gum disease through regular dental cleanings. Periodontists receive extra training that includes the latest technology used to diagnose effectively & treat gum disease; if you suspect that you have gum disease, immediately see a periodontist in Palmdale as soon as possible. 

Let's explore more about the symptoms and stages of gum disease:  

Symptoms of gum disease: 

gum disease is a continuous gum infection leading to tooth and bone loss. Sometimes, it can be silent, common signs of gum disease:  

  • Pain and sores in the mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing 
  • swollen, red, or tender gums 
  • Loose or separated teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Gum recession
  • Bite changes 

So, it is essential to understand that periodontal disease leads to significant health concerns when left untreated. Undergoing regular checkups and dental cleanings helps to identify disease in its early stages. 

Phases of periodontal disease that range from mild to advanced:  

  • Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease caused by plaque buildup along the gumline. If left untreated, it can progress to the next stage; this is the only reversible stage as it has not yet affected the bones.
  • Slightly periodontal disease is the second stage that affects both the bone & fibers that support tooth roots. Once the 2nd stage is reached, the infection spreads and destroys gum and bones. Scaling and rooting can be used to clean the teeth at this stage. 
  • Moderate periodontal disease's third stage has deeper periodontal pockets, which allows bacteria to attack bones and the bloodstream more aggressively. Seek professionals to clean the region with gum disease treatment. 
  • Advanced periodontal disease The last stage of periodontal disease is when bacteria have significantly deteriorated the bone that supports teeth. This stage demands laser therapy or periodontal surgery. It is utilized to clean deep bacteria-filled pockets. If left untreated, this stage leads to gaps between teeth, gum recession, need for dentures, and severe health issues. 

Gum disease treatment:  

Some standard gum disease treatment options: 

1. Dental cleanings:

During routine cleanings, the dentist removes plaque and tartar above & below the gumline. 

Scaling and rooting are deep cleaning and non-surgical procedures done under local anesthesia. Plague and tartar are scraped away from both sides, and rough spots on the tooth are made smooth with planning by a dentist. 

2. Pocket reduction surgery:

During this surgery, the gums are lifted and tartar removed. Irregular surfaces of damaged bone can also be smoothed where disease-causing bacteria may hide. 

Bone grafts use fragmentation of patients' bone donated bone to replace bone damaged by gum disease. It promotes bone regrowth, which helps make teeth more stable. 

In conclusion

Gum disease continues to worsen when left untreated. Implant dentist in Palmdale helps patients improve their gum health and restore teeth permanently. Always follow the dental routine to make your teeth strong and gum disease-free.