When it comes to flat roofs, we often hear about moisture and ponding. Ponding can be a major problem for a business owner who wants their roof to last as long as possible. If you want to know more about why flat roofs develop ponding over time, how this happens, and what Tim Roofing can do about it, read on!

Why do our roofs pond?

When you think about roofs, the last thing that probably comes to mind is a body of water. But if you have a flat roof, it's possible your home has ponding issues. A flat roof does not have gutters or downspouts to drain rainwater away from the house like sloped roofs do. Instead, water can pool on top of a flat roof and cause damage as it leaks through the surface and into your home.

Who is to blame for ponding?

Who should be responsible for the maintenance of the roof? In general, homeowners can be held liable if they fail to perform required maintenance tasks and those issues lead to problems down the line. On the other hand, if someone else installed your flat roof poorly or didn’t properly clean up after themselves during installationand this led directly toward pondingthen that person would likely bear responsibility instead.

What can we do?

The first thing you can do is check your roof and repair any leaks. You should also install a roof venting system, which helps to lessen the chances of ponding water by allowing air to circulate on the underside of your shingles or tiles. You can also install a drainage system that directs runoff from your gutters away from the house and into a dry well, cistern or other storage area.

Another option is to install a water barrier system that seals around windows, doors and other openings in order to prevent moisture from getting inside the home. Finally, you can replace your current roofing material with one that has better drainage properties if necessary.

Understanding how and why ponding occurs

Ponding is a problem that can create a lot of damage if not handled properly. It occurs on flat roofs when water pools and sits for an extended period of time, which causes the wooden framing to rot and rust. This can result in leaks, mold growth and other issues that may require expensive replacement or repairs.

Why does this happen? A flat roof has no pitch, so water naturally flows to one area instead of being dispersed across the entire surface area of your home. This means that there's always going to be one spot on your roof where rainwater collects rather than running off it into gutters or downspouts like it would on a pitched roof. Since rainwater doesn't drain away as quickly as you'd like, ponds will form on top of your flat surfaces - making them vulnerable to damage over time because they're exposed to prolonged exposure from moisture!


So, what does this mean for your roof? Well, it means that if you have a flat roof and are experiencing ponding on the sides of your building, there is likely a problem with the flashing or another part of the roof deck. We recommend contacting a professional who can assess your situation and help devise a plan to fix it. You should also consider working with an insurance agent before ponding becomes too much of an issue.