Tommy Kono was a bodybuilder and weightlifter in the 1950s and 1960s. Olympic gold medalist and many international titles winner. Kono was also known for his successful career as a coach. Leading the United States weightlifting team to many victories. According to The Post Game, Kono later became a bodybuilder. Four times he was Mr. Universe. "Hardship toughens you," Tommy Kono said in 2008.

By overcoming it, you become better. A generation of entitlements. Hard work isn't their thing." Additionally, he is a talented weightlifter. The magazine nicknamed him " beauty's champion." Kono was “a beautiful Japanese-American with cat-quick reflexes.”

Despite all odds, did he succeed?

Despite many obstacles, he persisted. In light of Tommy's success, it is even more impressive. His debut in 1947 marked the first time a color barrier was broken. As a baseball player, he benefited from his Japanese heritage. It was forbidden for black athletes to play basketball or football.

Hockey was played by men and whites. In his lifetime, Hiroshima was not atomically bombed. His father relocated the family several years before the bombing. Despite all of these challenges, Tommy continued to excel!

Weightlifting and diet plan.  The legend of Tommy Kono gif will live on. Diet, hard work, and dedication are the keys. Tommy's capabilities were limitless. For those who strive for greatness, he is the ultimate role model!

Tommy Kono workout: what do you know?

Tommy Kono was a successful weightlifter and bodybuilder. A training program was developed by him. As a result, he was able to achieve his athletic goals. Tommy kono race trained with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Technique and form were also stressed. He used pyramids and supersets in his advanced training. Kono's workouts consisted of several sets of a few repetitions. With short rest periods between sets. Various help exercises were also included in his program. Exercising your triceps and curling your arms is good. Strengthening his muscles and building his muscles. 

How much could Tommy Kono lift?

One of the greatest weightlifters of all time was tommy kono Olympics. International competitions brought him many medals and titles. Including two Olympic gold medals. Kono's best lifts in the competition were as follows:

  • Snatch: 214.5 pounds (97.5 kg)
  • Clean and Jerk: 256.5 pounds (116.5 kg)
  • Total (Snatch + Clean and Jerk): 471 pounds (213 kg)

It This lift was completed in the 1960s. and weightlifting equipment and techniques have evolved since then. Additionally, tommy kono today competed in the lightweight (under 67.5 kg / 148.5 lbs) category. So his lifts may not be comparable to those of modern weightlifters competing in different weight classes.

Why did he succeed?

Kono's unwavering commitment made him successful. Olympic and world records were broken. Six-time world champion, four-time Mr. Universe champion. Kono race works hard, and is disciplined, relentless, and determined. He will strive for excellence in their own pursuits. He left behind a legacy. In his honor, Google Doodle. Excellence should be our goal!


Tommy Kono was a bodybuilder and weightlifter for many years. He was born in 1930 in Sacramento, California, and began lifting weights as a teenager. Kono became one of the top weightlifters in the United States. Olympic gold medals were among his many titles and medals.

Also to coaching, he is a technical expert. He served as the head coach of the United States weightlifting team on several occasions. He also worked as a coach and technical advisor for other countries around the world. His legacy as a coach, trainer, and leader is unmatched.