The link between health and well-being is very close. In fact, the World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist only in the absence of illness or infirmity."The well-being felt influences the health of the individual. However, the collective wishes to point out that the individual can also feel a state of well-being even if he is sick or infirm, insofar as he feels protected, surrounded, cared for, and accompanied.

1. Health and well-being definition

Health and well-being represent the soul and the body that aren’t separated; indeed, they are two sides of the same coin. If one of them is affected in some way, the other will undoubtedly be affected. This is confirmed by the results of research and scientific studies that indicated that many physical diseases are of psychological origin, as the absence of mental health is a fertile environment for the spread of diseases within the human body.Health and well-being are the primary keys to the growth and development of human beings. However, a man's daily life is full of factors related to the emotional shocks that cause stress, anxiety, and others. The frequency of these emotions may be perceived as aggression or shock by the body, which reacts in response.

2. How to reach health and well-being?

When we talk about health and well-being, we are referring to physical development (the body) as well as psychological development (the mind). What many ignore is that these two aspects of our existence are closely linked and influence each other. Thus, man has always maintained his body. This relationship is both conflictual and fusional, which most often oscillates between the two extremes, sometimes leaving consequences on our psychology, which will necessarily influence our way of life. To live in harmony with one's body means, therefore, to be in good health and well-being.Related: What are the 10 keys to happiness?

3. Health and well-being tips

  • Preserve health:

Health and well-being have become supreme values in our societies, and preserving them has become a priority. The debate on the risks of chemistry has sometimes obscured the share of its contributions in this direction. However, it is clear that the understanding of diseases and therapeutic research is increasingly based on chemical biology, leading to the design of drugs and materials for health with exceptional effectiveness. Cosmetic products have also benefited from this research, which has enabled cosmetology to become a science.

  • Lifestyle is the basis of well-being:

The quality of nutritional intake and a critical look at human interventions modifying the original products (phytosanitary products, food additives) are today at the heart of consumer concerns. However, urbanization, the increase in populations, and the change in taste preferences have irretrievably led to the development of new practices and a qualified food industry. These contradictory factors thus lead to ambiguity: a distrust of chemistry, and at the same time, a demand, sometimes even unconscious, for the solutions it provides.

  • Importance of food for health and well-being:

Food is a vital part of health and well-being. Through what we eat and drink, the body gets everything it needs to function properly. Macronutrients and micronutrients in various food products are essential for strengthening the immune system.The latter is the source of production of all components involved in the defense of man against external elements harmful to his health. To boost the body's organic and immune functions, it is important to observe good food hygiene. Food hygiene is related to eating behavior, allowing the human body to complete all the nutritional substances it needs.

  • The importance of sleeping to the health and well-being:

A good night first allows you to rest and "recharge your batteries." When you sleep, your body temperature drops, and your energy expenditure decreases, allowing your body to slow down and recover its strength. However, our metabolism does not remain inactive. It takes advantage of our deep sleep to make hormones, starting with the growth hormone that makes children grow and develops the muscles, bones, and cartilage of adults.Besides, it is no coincidence that, when we suffer from infections or inflammation, our bodies secrete hypnogenic substances that promote sleep. There is indeed nothing like sleep to strengthen our natural defenses and help the immune system to react.Besides, the biggest beneficiary of a good night's rest is the brain. Day and night, the brain never stops working and uses our sleep to consolidate our memory and promote learning. In a way, it encourages neural circuits to "repeat" what they have learned in the waking state in order to reinforce the memory trace. You can convince yourself of this by a simple test, learn a series of words, and try to repeat them a few hours later. You'll find that you will do a much better job the next morning.

  • The impact of hygiene to health and well-being:

Hygiene must be observed not only on an environmental level but also on a physical level. The maintenance of health and well-being takes into account environmental hygiene, which is linked to your living environment. The latter influences the physical and mental health of human beings.Body hygiene provides feelings of pleasure and well-being, which contribute to making us feel "good about ourselves" and thus facilitate relationships with others. Hygiene is also necessary for our health since it eliminates sweat, the bacteria causing unpleasant body odors and dirt that can cause skin problems. It also limits the risk of transmissions and the development of diseases.

  • The influence of nature on health and well-being:

Man has considerably freed himself from the constraints dictated by nature and has moved away from it. In all discretion, many of these natural elements that surround us affect our social interactions and our physical and mental well-being. Environmental psychology is a discipline that focuses on how an individual's immediate physical environment can affect psychological functioning, physical and mental well-being, and behavior.Finally, the quality of your life determines your health and well-being. Quality takes into account several aspects, including; environmental, behavioral, body, and food hygiene. Relaxation helps relieve accumulated tension and restore balance to the body and mind. This balance is essential to live in harmony with your body and help you to be in good health and well-being.

Publié à l'origine sur  Live Positively .